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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Оставаться недоказанным

This statement stands (or remains) unproved.

Оставаться незамеченным [см. тж. Не оставаться незамеченным]

The neuropathy of diabetes often seems to escape notice.

The rapid fall of the water table goes (largely) unheeded because people cannot see the water table. Another capability of polymerase 1 went unnoticed for nearly a decade.

Оставаться неизвестным

The origin of these clusters remains a mystery (or unknown).

Оставаться неизменным [см. тж. Без изменения, Оставаться без изменений]

This benzene ring has remained intact.

In this way the positioning of the optics can be left untouched (or intact). The total number of atoms is (or remains) fixed (or unchanged, or the same). The analogue-to-digital interface must remain invariant (or unaltered, or constant, or unchanged) despite modifications or changes in the computer. The velocity of the centre of mass does not change during collision.

Today a number of details in the original paper have been revised, but the basic mechanism of ...

remains intact.

Оставаться неизменным при

The positional isomerism is unchanged on oxidation. The angles are unchanged by rotation. Rotation of the plane leaves all angles unchanged. The correlation is invariant to distortion.

Оставаться неиспользованным

Additional petroleum accumulations remain untapped.

Оставаться неопознанным

This was argon, but it went unrecognized.

Оставаться неподвижным

We only deal with the displacement vectors on the atoms that stay put. All the other molecules remain stationary (or immobile).

Оставаться неразрешенным

A number of problems (still) remain to be solved (or remain unsolved). Оставаться нетронутым


Оставаться нетронутым

When the base is dissolved in acid the gold shell is left (or remains, or is preserved) intact.

Оставаться постоянным [см. тж. Оставаться неизменным]

The slit width of the instrument is kept (or held, or remains) constant for a scries of measurements.

These laws deal with a condition in which some quantity is held (or kept) constant.

Оставаться постоянным при изменении

The transmission loss is not constant with frequency.

Оставаться постоянным при преобразовании

The characteristic manifolds of a system are invariant under the transformation of ...

Оставаться преданным

They remained devotees of (or devoted to) the phlogiston theory.

Оставаться прежним

All observable properties of the hadron would remain as before.

Оставаться справедливым

The previous expressions still stand. The law of conservation of mass always holds.

Оставаться таким

The sub-boundary corrosion susceptibility is low and has been observed to remain so after ageing four years at room temperature.

Оставить стоять

Set the solution aside (or Allow the solution to stand) for a week. When fresh milk is allowed (or left) to stand several hours, ...

Оставляет желать лучшего

The internal consistency of the method leaves something to be desired.

Оставляет желать много лучшего

Both theories leave much (or a lot) to be desired (or are far from perfect) in their correlation with experimental data.

Оставлять в стороне

Leaving aside the special case of superconductors, we shall try to describe the electronic ground state of the crystal.

Оставлять за собой

The high-field region in its passage across the diode leaves behind it a dense "plasma" of electrons and holes.

Оставлять на усмотрение

The finish can be left to discretion of the manufacturer.

Оставлять неприкрытым

The sample was left exposed to the air.

Оставлять след

Lead makes a mark on paper.

Оставшийся неизменным

Each intact benzene ring ... Остаётся



It remains (or It only remains for us) to compute Nt according to Eq. (9.10).

Остаётся выяснить

It remains to be seen whether similar reactions operate in other cells. Whether this will be an economical method remains to be seen. It remains (now) to see how the values of such ... change.

Остается исследовать

One related possibility remains to be investigated.

Остаётся ответить на вопросы

Many other questions remain to be answered.

Остаётся тайной

How these genes are controlled remains a mystery.

Остальная часть [см. тж. Остальные элементы]

The symbols used in the remainder (or the rest) of this discussion are shown in the table. Of the newly transcribed mRNA, about 80% was found associated with ribosomes. while the remainder apparently was not associated with... (biol.). The rest of the day is spent in polishing the parts. The remainder of the plant is arranged on a unit basis.

Остальное I

Filler metals for brazing aluminium and aluminium alloys usually contain 4-13% silicon, with copper 0.3-4%, (and the) balance aluminium.

Monel, an alloy of approximately 67% nickel, the balance (or rest, or remainder) being copper, is a well-known corrosion-resistant alloy.
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