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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Обозначение [см. тж. Для обозначения]

The following designations are used: a = l/a,y = a/t and betta = c/a.

Adjacent lines of the six-phase system may be determined by the Roman-numeral labelling of the vector diagram.

Notation (or Nomenclature): С = specific heat capacity, G = rate of heat generation per unit volume, ...

The notation P(x, y) denotes a point P with coordinates (x, y). Symbols: T = temperature, To = undisturbed ground temperature.

The excitation of a three-axis magnetic dipole source is most conveniently described in vector notation.

Обойтись [см. Обходиться].


The earth is surrounded by an envelope of gas, the atmosphere. Обоняние [см. Острое обоняние].

Оборот [см. Повернуть на один полный оборот, Полоборота, С малым числом оборотов].

Оборотов в минуту

The engine develops 340 hp at 1900 rpm (revolutions per minute).

Оборудован [см. тж. Приспособлен (ный) для, Снабжен]

The unit is equipped (or supplied, or provided) with a turbocharger

The vehicle was fitted out with a pressurized cabin

The wheels are fitted with roller bearings.

The aeroplane is instrumented with thousands of strain gauges.

The power unit incorporates standard electric starting equipment.

Оборудован для

The satellite was fitted out for X-ray observations.

Оборудование [см. тж. Аппаратура, Бортовое оборудование, Противопожарное оборудование, Технологическое оборудование]

This technique is not used as widely as UV due to the high cost of instrumentation. Оборудование, снабжённое ЭВМ


Оборудование, снабжённое ЭВМ

The system makes it easy for even an inexperienced employee to operate computerized equipment.


The firm has developed a special transducer featuring a plug-in terminal for lead wires. Inexpensive lasers, aided by light-deflectors, will be key elements in scanning and printing terminals.

A glider thus fitted out was launched.

Оборудованный приборами

An instrumented enclosure ...

Оборудованный транзисторами [см. тж. Полностью оборудованный транзисторами] A transistorized amplifier...


The view that ... is justified.

If this explanation is valid, there should be two other ridges ...

This conclusion is warranted.

Thus the earlier assumption is substantiated.


The whys and wherefores (col.) of the design of cascade control systems can best be presented in terms of actual problems.

Обоснованность [см. Правильность].


A justified assumption ...

Обосноваться на

At the same time more semiconductor manufacturers sought to establish a foothold in the rapidly expanding microprocessor market.


Some data substantiating the proposed sequence of events can be offered.

Обострять [см. тж. Усугублять сложность]

These factors may aggravate the hypergly-caemic tendency (med.).


Interest in the origin of life on earth gained momentum in the first half of the twentieth century.

Обрабатываемая деталь

The piece [or work(piece)/ is made the positive terminal and the electrode negative.

Обрабатываемость [см. Способность поддаваться обработке].

Обрабатываемый материал

Speeds of working vary according to the material being worked (or machined).

Обрабатываемый обычным способом

These plastics possess physical properties unlike those of any other commonly machined material.

Обрабатываемый с помощью перфоленты

Fixtures made for one tape-run part...

Обрабатывать (см. тж. Действовать, Легко поддающийся обработке] They can farm any piece of unclaimed soil here. Обрабатывать всухую


The pickle plant handles (or processes)

100 tons of pickles a season.

The rods are machined on a turning lathe.

Processes which work the metal by means of rolls ...

The life of limber depends upon the way in which it is felled, seasoned and worked.

Cylindrical rolls are used for working flat stock.

More than 15,000 tons of sea water must

be processed (or treated) to obtain one

ton of bromine.

The machine will accept workpieces up to a maximum of 7 ft wide by 7 ft high. The electrolyte is next treated with zinc

Обрабатывать всухую

Do not machine dry except for very light finishing cuts.

Обрабатывать данные

The computer processes (or handles) data simultaneously from eight gas chro-matographs.

Обрабатывать землю

To work (or farm) land.

Обрабатывать на станке

In this department the parts are machined.

Обрабатываться в холодном (антон. горячем) состоянии

The material is cold (anton. hot) worked.

Обрабатываться на станках

Polyimides machine very well if proper precautions are taken.

Обрабатываться паром

Bones are steamed (or treated with steam) to remove gelatine.

Обрабатываться под выступы

The additional top plates are machined to accept (or accommodate) part projections.

Обработанная информация

Printers display processed information for the human user.
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