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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Нуждаться в дальнейшем рассмотрении

These observations need further consideration.

Нуждаться в дополнительных комментариях

Several features deserve further comment. Нуждаться в объяснении


Нуждаться в объяснении

It was this multiplicity of hadrons that stood in need of explanation. This relationship needs clarification.

Нужды городского хозяйства

This water supplies urban needs.

Нужен для [см. Необходим для].

Нужно [см. тж. Необходимо, Следует]

When the density of the gas is to be measured, ... To determine ... we need only perform the division of...

If purchased power is to be used, then only the transformers, substations and distribution facilities need be provided.

Much needs (or remains) to be done to satisfy these requirements. We provide such units exactly where they are wanted.

Нужно лишь

All one need to do is to apply the above rule.

Нужно найти

What is wanted is the density of points within ...

Нужно признать, что

It must be admitted that such calculations cannot be carried out with similar success for ...

Нужный [см. тж. Время, необходимое для; Требуемый]

То maintain the requisite (or the required) temperature, ... This potentiometer offers the wanted performance characteristics.

Нулевого порядка

A zeroth-order differential equation.


In terms of "zeroth ionization potential", ...

Нуль [см. Везде равен нулю, Выше нуля,Не равный нулю, Ниже нуля, Падать до нуля, Сводиться к нулю, Устанавливать на нуль].


A new method of numbering sites is employed.


Label the meridians, starting with 70°W on the right.

Нумероваться по порядку

Sometimes the eg orbitals are numbered sequentially, the first being 1cg.


Newtonian mechanics. The Newtonian formulation.

Ныне исчезнувший

The lakes bordered on now-vanished glaciers. О [см. тж. Информация о, Наука о, Относительно III, Трение стали о сталь]



О [см. тж. Информация о, Наука о, Относительно III, Трение стали о сталь]

Of such machines it can be said that...

О котором говорилось в

This results from cathode sheathing as discussed in the preceding section.

О котором идёт речь [см. тж. Рассматриваемый]

The symmetry at issue (or involved) is isotope-spin symmetry.

The term "foliated" is used to indicate that the material referred to (or dealt with, or in question, or in hand, or at hand) consists of thin, separable lamellae or leaves.

О котором можно только догадываться

The two processes interact in ways that can only be guessed at.

О котором не было известно

The primary system of the reactor now had a leak unknown to the operator.

О котором нельзя и мечтать [см. тж. Достигнуть совершенно неожиданного успеха]

These instruments extend the chemist's studies to a scope undreamed of a few years ago.

О которых никогда раньше и не мечтали

Trouble-free performance never before thought possible was achieved.

О ... можно написать целую книгу

The story of the growth of the synthetic chemical industries would make a book by itself.

О ... не может быть и речи

Studies of superconductors placed under

very high pressures at ultralow temperatures were out of the question.

О том,что

The reader will encounter statements to the effect that introducing error-rate control makes the system respond faster.

There are theories to the effect that the Moon was once much closer to the Earth.

О чём свидетельствует

These earthquakes originate in the cold interior of the subducting plate as demonstrated (or evidenced, or witnessed) by seismic wave velocities within the slab (geol.).


Both of these forms are soluble in benzene.

This enzyme can attack either terminus of single-stranded DNA (biol.).

Обведённый кружком

Special taps are to be marked with the letter S enclosed in a circle (or with a circled letter S). Letters within circles...


The paper mask is laid on the metal sheet and traced, after which the metal is cut.


Colloidal smokes and smogs blanket urban and industrial areas. The star is shrouded by a cloud of gas. Обгонять



The uplift of the continents has always kept ahead of erosion.


He pondered the problem during 30 years.


Depiction of the Moon in gold ...


The albic horizon has been depleted of

clay minerals, iron oxide, ...

The meteorites' parent body is depleted in alkalis.

The mantle has been impoverished in

radioactive elements during ...


The fractionalion process depleted the lunar core of radioactive elements. Обедняться

The soils of cultivated lands have been depleted of their natural phosphate. When the water vapour in the atmosphere is depleted to the point at which ... The environment under the deposit becomes exhausted of oxygen.

Обедняться вследствие

The cometary shell is being depleted by these stellar perturbations.
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