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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Ни ... , ни ...

Energy can be neither created nor destroyed.

Ни один из

None of the materials under study is more than a few millimetres from a metal surface. One form of tin shows none of the typical metallic characteristics.

Ни один из двух

Neither of the two proteins demonstrated any exonuclease activity. Neither reactant is a charged species.

Ни один ... не способен

Creating such heavy particles is beyond the capabilities of any existing accelerator,

Ни одного из

The fresh solvent contains none of these compounds. Ни разу


Ни разу

When these prominent neurons were stimulated, in no case was there an obvious motor response. Ни то, ни другое [см. Не иметь ни того, ни другого]. Ни тот, ни другой [см. Ни один из двух].

Ниже I [см. тж. Значительно ниже, Падать ниже,Приводиться ниже]

Below this level there can be another domain.

Deactivation can drop the energy past the point of intersection of ...

The pressure drops below 3 mm.

If the skip is accidentally lowered beyond the lowest point of the chute's travel, ...

Ниже II

Such a coordinate system is assumed below (or in what follows, or in the following). The theory of cohesion in solids is discussed later (or below).

Ниже III [см. Вниз и вверх по течению от].

Ниже нуля

Below zero.

An icy minus-60 degrees ... Sub-zero temperatures.

Ниже перечислены [см. тж. Перечислены ниже]

The liquid propellant chemical fuels are listed below.

Ниже по течению

Figure 4 is a photograph of the eddying wake downstream of (or from) a shock-induced separation of...

Ниже приводится

Below is a summary of ...

Below is shown (or given) the relationship between ... Seen (or Illustrated) below is a complete pilot plant for... Following are brief discussions of...

Ниже среднего

In an area with a negative magnetic anomaly, the earth's magnetic field intensity is below average (or lower than average).

Ниже стандарта

They claim that the quality of the product carburized at over 1750°F is substandard.

Ниже точки замерзания

The average temperature here is below freezing.

Ниже уровня земли

Fume extraction channels have been provided below ground level.

Ниже уровня моря

Below sea level.

Ниже, чем [см. На ... градусов ниже, чем].

Нижеприведённый [см. тж. В последующих главах. Дальнейший]

The discussions which follow point out the meaning of... The following study will be limited to a sharp-edge valve.

In the analysis of the data that follow (or given below) the logarithmic form is used. Нижнее положение [см. В нижнем положении].


Нижнее положение [см. В нижнем положении].

Нижние слои земной коры

The lower crust is denser than the upper crust.


See bottom photo...

The lower row of the matrix ...

The lowermost layer of the soil...

Нижняя поверхность

The insecticides are sprayed on plants in such a way that the undersides of the leaves are also coated.

The undersurface of the crust...

Нижняя сторона

The lest piece has a notch on the underside.

Нижние слои атмосферы

These bands are absorbed by the O2 in the lower atmosphere.

Низ [см. Книзу, Снизу].

Низкая концентрация

When spherical particles are sparsely distributed in vacuum ...

Низкая точность

These methods have poor (or low) precision.

Низкие значения вплоть до

Values as low as (or Low values down to) 10-9 have been reported for solids.

Низкое содержание [см. тж. Беден, С низким содержанием]

These ores are low in metallic content (or have a low metallic content). These bauxites are poor in aluminium.

Низкокипящий (антон. Высококипящий)

A low-boiling (anton. high-boiling) compound.

Низколежащий (антон. Высоколежа-щий)

These quenchers have low-lying (anton. high-lying) triplet stales ...

Низкопористый (антон. Высокопористый)

Roofing tile is of low porosity (anton. of high porosity).

Низкосортный (антон. Высокосортный)

Low-grade (anton. High-grade) materials must be ...

Никак нельзя отличить от

These molecules can in no way be distinguished from each other.


No pure substance has permeability approaching this.

Никакой другой

Every even integer is assigned one particular number and no other. Никакой другой, кроме


Никакой другой, кроме

No body other than the Sun and the Moon can have any significant tidal effect on the Earth.


At no time (or Never) should thermoplastics and thermosets be stored in the same room.

Никоим образом не

This pressure was by no means the limit of what could be achieved.

Not all chelates are volatile by any means.

This in no way affects the operation of the machine.

Никто не сомневается в

The importance of quantitative measurement has never been doubted.

Нисходящая (антон. Восходящая) ветвь [см. тж. Спадающая кривая]

We studied the falling (or descending, or down-tending) [anton. the rising (or ascending, or up-tending)] branch of the curve.
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