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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Ледникового происхождения

These pebbles are of glacial origin.

Ледниковый рельеф

Glacial topography.

Лежать в диапазоне

These signals fall in (or within) the broad

range between 10-15 and 10-10 coulombs per pulse.

The charge collection time lies in the range of a few milliseconds.

The diffusion coefficient for binary liquid systems usually falls (or lies) in the range 5 to 2 x 10-5

cm2/s in nonviscous liquids at


Лежать в основе

The basis for the antibacterial effects of dyes is their ability to ... Behind the Mullard invention is the notion that... Central to the theory is ...

Movement of charged particles in a magnetic field also forms (or constitutes) the basis for mass spectrometry.

These equations form the basis (or foundation) of the theory of ...

These theories form (or provide) the foundation for (or are at the basis of) colour television. It is this form that provides the basis (or is fundamental) for a wide variety of TV antennas. Let us consider the physical conditions that underlie the Sun's magnetism. Boolean algebra underlies the theory of relations.

Microcomputers are at the heart of "transaction" telephones for checking customers' credit. The general rule that the forces between two particles result from an exchange of other particles is basic to much of our present understanding of elementary-particle interactions. This distinction between electricity and magnetism is at the heart (or root) of the theory of... The Periodic Table provides the framework for the whole study of inorganic chemistry. Thermochemistry is basic to the study of chemical bonding.

An understanding of dye laser operation is a building block for understanding the principles of other tunable laser systems.

Лежать на (антон. под)

Younger layers overlie (anton. underlie) older ones. Older layers are overlain (anton. underlain) by younger ones. The perpendicular will contain the point A

(Точка А лежит на перпендикуляре).

Лежать на одной прямой с

The two poles are aligned with the axis of rotation.

Лежать на ответственности

This phase was the responsibility of the

engineering group.

Лежать на плоскости

Lines lying in the same plane ...

Лежать на прямой (линии)

All of the atoms of acetylene lie along a straight line.

Лежащие между

Electrons with energies lying in the range from 0.7 to 1.4 MeV... Лежащий в основе


Лежащий в основе

The phenomena underlying the behaviour of materials ...

We faced the problem of finding the correct physical principle to account for all our observations. The practical work is supplemented with a lecture course on the underlying theoretical principles. This was a major factor behind the interest in developing digital optical computing techniques.

Лежащий на

A circle resting on a straight line ...

Лента [см. Изолированный лентой].

Летать в воздухе

Aircraft moves through free air.

Летающий по орбите

Distress signals are received by an orbiting satellite. It is the largest telescope ever orbited.

Летучие вещества

Further heating reduces the volatile matter to about 1%.

Лечение в домашних условиях

Domiciliary care can be resorted to shortly after the stroke.

Лечение ... даёт хорошие результаты

Treatment is rewarding for such non-malignant conditions.

Лечение диетой

Dietary treatment.

Лечь [см. Лежать, Ложиться].

Легкая нагрузка

Space drills are suitable only for very light-duty applications.

Лёгкие работы

Light jobs.

Легкий I [см. тж. Для лёгких грузов/ The instrument is light in weight. The new material is lightweight and flexible.

Лёгкий II

Keratin production provides a relatively facile (or easy) way to determine the degree of differentiation.

Лёгкий в обращении

This is a highly effective, practical and easy-to-use (or handle) instrument.

Лёгкое постукивание

The link length can be varied by lightly tapping the input lever arm of the control unit with a screwdriver.

Лёгкость [см. тж. С одинаковой лёгкостью] Ease of adjustment to existing conditions ...

Лёгкость изготовления и установки

Ease in fabrication and erection.

Лёгкость обращения с

The flexibility of the laser beam and the ease of handling it... Либо [см. Или].


Либо [см. Или].

Либо... , либо ... , либо и тот и другой

If either or both acid and base are weak,...

Ликвидировать недостаток

Now this drawback has been completely overcome (or eliminated).

Ликвидировать неисправность [см. тж. Устранять неисправность]

See to it that all troubles should be (or are) eliminated (or remedied).

Лимитирующий фактор

The atomic oxygen concentration was the rate-determining factor.

Линейно независимый

The corresponding n eigenvectors are linearly independent.

Линейно пропорциональный

These values are linear with the square of wavelength. Output is linearly proportional to the bus current.
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