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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Each of us must determine the answer for himself after examining the potential value of the computer.

Каждый из

These atoms each have six valence electrons (or have six ... each).

Каждый из двух [см. тж. Любой из двух]

Either (of the two) process(es) could initiate a chain reaction.

Каждый из которых определяется

There will be n different simple wave solutions, each (being) determined by one of the n roots of Eq. (2.14).

Каждый конкретный

The expansion shall be allowed for in the die design for each specific (or individual) application.

Каждый ... отдельно взятый [см. Каждый в отдельности].

Кажущийся [см. тж. Казалось бы]

The duality of origin may be perceived to be more apparent than real. The apparent position of a star ...

If the two diagonal pairs of lights are flashed alternately, it will appear to an observer as if the lights are moving; The apparent motion can take either of two forms: ...

Казалось бы

These fields are always present, even in seemingly perfect crystals. This seemingly difficult task turns out to be relatively simple. Как [см. Каким образом].


Как [см. Каким образом]. Как будто бы

This species will be treated as though it were a well-defined molecule.

The laser beam spot size increased as if a diverging lens had been placed in the resonator.

The effect is a horizontal shift in portions of the reproduced picture as though (or as if ) there were

a loss in horizontal synchronization.

Как будто бы он был

Where steeply dipping, layered rocks underlie a hillside, the upper edges of the layers are commonly turned downhill as if bent.

We subtract the two reactions as though (or as if) they were algebraic equations. The liquid phase behaves as if it were a stationary medium.

Как бы велик ни был

The group velocity is less than the speed of light, however (or no matter how) great the phase velocity (may be).

Как бы ни был

Useful as these measures may be, we are faced with ...

Как бы то ни было

Be it as it may, we certainly know enough to sketch the broad outline of ...

Как в отдельности, так и вместе

Future progress with both processes - individually and in combination - will be followed with interest.

Как в случае

If, as with magnesium, alternating current is used,...

Как вам известно

As you are well aware,...

Как видно

The enthalpy of the reaction is (or can be) seen to be equal to ...

Как видно из [см. тж. Как показано на рисунке, Как явствует из]

There is but little difference, as indicated by (or in) Fig. 11. As the statement indicates ...

As may (or can) be seen [or As is seen (or obvious), or As will be seen] from the diagram, ... The calculator looks like a card index as will be apparent from the photograph. The fixture moves in an anti-clockwise direction as viewed (or seen, or observed) in Fig. 3. As evident (or seen) from the sketch, type 2 adaptors are intended for taper-shank tools. As the following example illustrates (or shows), ... As Fig. 14-5 suggests, ...

Half-life times vary greatly, as exemplified by the successive decay scheme for urani-um-238 (Fig. 35-2).

Как видно из вышеизложенного

As is evident (or obvious) from (or As evidenced by) the foregoing (account),

the answers to these questions are ...

Как видно из иллюстрации [см. Как показано на рисунке].

Как видно из названия

As its name implies (or indicates, or shows) (or As the name suggests) a pressure gauge is ... Как видно из рисунка [см. Как показано на рисунке].


Как видно из рисунка [см. Как показано на рисунке]. Как всегда

The variable arm IV, short as it usually is, has experienced some modifications.

Как его стали называть

The mineral sequences, or Barrovian zones, as they have come to be called, have been recognized in many metamorphic terrains.

Как и [см. тж. Подобно тому, как]

Here, as in the wet equatorial areas, the rainfall mechanisms are ...

The boiling point of a pure liquid, like the melting point of a pure crystal, represents a fairly sudden transition.

Like Boyle's law, this relation is followed by many gases.

These calculations, along with (or as well as) our findings, show that...

The trains of meteors move with time as do noctilucent clouds.

The diameter required in order to fulfil this condition depends upon the reaction-zone length as does the critical diameter.

Presumably, as for the static case, the movement of the vibrating surface will be opposed in the manner of a spring.

The power unit is in a separate case as is the calibrated display unit.

Superconductors are as sensitive to changes in magnetic-field strength as they are to changes of temperature.

As with any chemical process, analysis is extremely important for process control. Carbon dioxide shares with water vapour the property of absorbing infrared radiation. In common with the other natural sciences chemistry is fundamentally concerned with...
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