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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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В больших масштабах

This process is employed on a large scale.

В большой степени [см. В значительной степени, Значительная часть].

В большом избытке

If one of the reactants is present in large excess, ...

В большом количестве [см. тж. В изобилии, Встречаться в большом количестве, Иметься в изобилии, С большим выходом]

Gluonium is produced abundantly.

Sediment rich in calcium carbonate accumulates in abundance. Such computers now reach the market in volume.

The production of an antibiotic in quantity (or in large quantities) by fermentation often requires long periods of lime.

Low-carbon ferrochromium is also produced in quantity by the reduction of...

В большом спросе

Coke is in large demand for industrial smelling operations. Marble is much in demand as a construction stone.

В будущем [см. тж. В дальнейшем]

Copper and cobalt may be extracted profitably from nodules at some future date (or in the future).

В буквальном смысле слова

In a literal sense, almost all real control systems are cascade systems. В быту [см. В домашнем хозяйстве].


В быту [см. В домашнем хозяйстве].

В вакууме [см. тж. Плавиться под вакуумом, Под вакуумом]

The melt was placed in (a) vacuum. The velocity of light in vacuo...

В вертикальном или наклонном положении

Lubrication is provided with the press in either upright or inclined position.

В верхних слоях атмосферы

In the upper atmosphere.

В весьма значительной степени

Our environment consists very largely (or to a great extent) of inorganic materials.

В весьма отдалённом будущем

In the very long run (or In the very distant future) we shall need energy that is absolutely pollution free.

В весьма хорошем приближении

^ a quite good approximation, the constantp can be taken to be the same for all...

В виде [см. тж. В форме, Выражать в виде, Следующим образом]

The normal audibility curve is represented as a straight line.

A portion of the absorbed energy remains as heat in the absorbing material.

Hydrogen enters the solvent as hydrogen ions.

This equation can be written as E = mc2.

The chart is prepared in booklet form.

The units are available in cabinets and consoles.

The new system is sold in standardized models.

The samples are usually in the form of films.

Scintillators are prepared in the form of filaments.

These concepts are formulated in terms of integrals.

The molecule is projected in the shape of a cross.

В ... виде

Sodium acetylides cannot be kept safely when dry. В виде варианта [см. В качестве варианта]. В виде дроби

Write the operation in fractional form (or in the form of a fraction).

В виде книги

The paper was reprinted in book form.

В виде кристаллов

Calcite in transparent crystals is used in certain optical instruments.

В виде соединения

Nitrogen occurs combined in Chile saltpetre and in all living organisms.

В виде столбца

A chronologic arrangement of rock units in columnar form ...

В виде таблицы

The cam profile can be shown in tabulated form.

В виде формулы это выражается следующим образом

Symbolically, A*+ B -->A + B+ + e-. В воздухе I [см. тж. Полёт в воздухе]


В воздухе I [см. тж. Полёт в воздухе]

The motion of the projectile through the air...

A discontinuity in layering means that the hailstone has broken in midair. The size distribution of raindrops aloft ...

В воздухе II [см. тж. Взвешенный в воздухе] Airborne pollutants ...

В восточном направлении [см. В западном направлении].

В глобальном масштабе

We give the most important relationships on a global scale.

В глубине I [см. тж. В толще]

We find these minerals exposed as surface rocks only in extremely dry climates; but at depth these rocks are common.

В глубине II

These elements are produced by nuclear fusion deep inside stars. These electric currents are generated deep in the interior of the Moon. Plutonic igneous rocks arc formed deep within the earth's crust.

В глубине земли

The quantity of methane still deep in the earth would be enormous.

В горячем виде

Most alloys are hot extruded (or extruded hot). Wax seals are poured while hot.

В готовом для использования виде

The mandrels are brought to the worktable in readiness for use by the die casting machine operators.

В граммах на моль

To calculate the molecular weight in grammes per mole, ...

В грубом приближении

As a rough approximation, such nonpolar regions are sufficient to reduce the solubility of...

В далеком (или отдалённом) будущем

If, in the (far) distant future, mankind should attempt travel to distant stars, ...

В дальнейшем [см. тж. В последующем изложении. Для использования позже]

A permanent record of ... may thus be obtained for examination at a later time (or date) (or later on).

From this point on (or Hereafter, or Hereinafter, or Henceforward, or From here on) we shall use the term "control system" to mean "automatic control system". In the subsequent discussion we assume that... In what follows the value of any quantity ... will be specified by...
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