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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Inside the red cell the molecules of water are physically close to the hemoglobin molecules and should be in a position to react readily with hemoglobin.

Быть весьма перспективным

This process has always had great potential (or has been very promising).

Быть весьма популярным

The hypothesis holds much favour (or is very popular).

Быть вызванным

Machine-tool applications of the cone clutch arose from the requirements for reversing the spindle on...

Быть действительным для

This expression holds (good) for two different gases.

Быть достигнутым благодаря

The advances have come about through the adaptation of...

Быть знакомым с

The "materialworking" engineer should have an acquaintance [or be familiar (or acquainted)]

with the various plastics.

Быть известным под названием

This relation is known as the Biot-Savart law.

Быть известным чем-л.

The tiger beetles are (well) known for their bright colours.

Быть на правильном пути

In so doing he was on the right track.

Быть наготове

An expert is not required to remain on the site but he must be on call to report within an hour.

Быть направленным вниз [или вверх]

The spin vector can point either up or down.

Быть неподвижным по отношению к

One major plate has no motion [or is fixed (or stationary)] with respect (or reference) to the

lower mantle.

Быть непосредственно связанным с [см. Иметь непосредственное отношение к].

Быть обычным делом

In installations made twenty years ago it was not unusual (or it was usual) to see two or even three central processing units lied together to ensure reliable operation.

Быть обычным явлением

Volcanism was common (or usual) in the Northern Rockies until about 40 million years ago.

Быть обязанным своим происхождением

The base 10 has its origin in the fact that man has a total of 10 digits on both hands.

Быть опасным

Hydrogen may present a safety problem [or be hazardous (or dangerous)] if...

Быть основанным на

Kepler's vicarious theory rested (or was based) on two assumptions. Быть перспективным


Быть перспективным

Liquids that sustain laser action hold promise (or are promising) in high-power pulsed applications.

Быть полезным

These observations will be of use (or useful) to you.

Быть причиной [см. тж. Вызывать]

Contact electrification accounts for (or causes) many nuisances and hazards of electrostatics.

Быть связанным с

These experiments were concerned with (or involved) the irradiation of...

Быть справедливым для

That ratio would hold for all circles.

Быть хорошо (или плотно) подогнанными (друг к другу)

The parts should fit closely when assembled.


В [см. тж. Выражать в, Направлять в]

The number of collisions per second ...

To obtain the dipole moment in (units of) Debyes,...

В алфавитном порядке

The ligands are named in alphabetic order.

В амбулаторных условиях

Barium tests can be arranged on an outpatient basis.

В апогее

The Moon is at apogee.

В ассоциации (геол.)

Arsenopyrite is associated with ores of tin, tungsten, and ...

В безопасное место

The fuse (шнур) bums at a slow rate towards the charge permitting the workman to move away to safety (or to a safe place).

В беспорядке [см. Беспорядочно].

В ближайшее десятилетие

In the coming (or the next) decade...

В ближайшем будущем

In the immediate future there will be ample opportunities for increasing productivity.

В ближайшем будущем появится

The coming years will witness the appearance in print of a still greater body of literature.

В ближайшие месяцы

In the months ahead (or In the coming months), much more attention will be paid to...

В близком будущем

We shall obtain newer information in the near future. В более общем виде


В более общем виде

More generally we can write this law as:...

В более общих выражениях

xS = A(s/p) is characteristic at P if Ap = 0. More generally, a manifold is characteristic at P if its tangent hyperplane at P is characteristic.

В более узких пределах

With the aim of checking over great distances and to closer limits, optical equipment was introduced.

В более широком смысле

In a more comprehensive (or wider) sense, photogrammetry means the process of...

В больничных условиях

The other neurological abnormalities are best investigated in a hospital setting (or in the hospital environment).

В большей или меньшей степени

These reactions may affect the overall process to a greater or lesser extent (or degree).

В большей степени, чем

This expansion drops the pressure to a greater extent than the isothermal processes would do.

В большинстве случаев

The bushings are beautifully simple and for the most part quite inexpensive. For the most part the expectation is borne out by experiment. More often than not the application of these agents causes ... In most (or In the majority of) cases (or instances)...
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