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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Запускать машину

When the machine is started up ...

Запускать на орбиту

To put (or send, or inject) into orbit (or To place in orbit).

Запускать ракету

The rocket was fired (or launched) in September.

For a flight to Saturn the vehicle was shot in the direction that...

Запутанный [см.. Громоздкий].


The two space instruments were borne aloft in 1989.

Запущенный в производство

This rectifier is not yet in production.

Запущенный на ракете

A rocket-launched spectrometer... Запчасти [см. Набор запчастей и принадлежностей, Ящик для запчастей и принадлежностей].


Запчасти [см. Набор запчастей и принадлежностей, Ящик для запчастей и принадлежностей].


These fungi can attack plants. Заражаться

The mite acquires (or contracts) the infection (or becomes infected) when ingesting leucocytes. Clovers may be attacked by bacteria, fungi, and viruses.

Зараженный вирусом

Viral-infected animal cells...

Заразителен для

These fungi are infectious to man.

The identities of the compounds are not known in advance. The properties of these materials can be specified beforehand.

не знать ничего о

The members of the team have no prior knowledge of the product.


The upper limit may be preset (or specified, or prearranged, or predetermined, or preassigned)

according to the requirements.


A relief valve set at a predetermined (or prearranged, or preassigned, or preset, or specified)

working pressure spills the excess back to the reservoir.


Altogether, 22 polarity reversals are documented.

There are few documented examples (Зарегистрировано мало примеров) of this mechanism.

Earthquakes have been recorded from depths of 700 kilometres.


This was the highest temperature recorded (or on record).

Зарегистрированы случаи

Cases are on record of death in animals exposed to microwave radiation.

There are cases on record of the failure of a complex, expensive system because of the failure of an inexpensive component.

Зародилась мысль

In the early 1870s W Thomson conceived the basic idea of interconnecting ...

Зародыш идеи [см. Заключать в себе зародыш идеи].


A new generation of particle accelerators is now in prospect.


He suggested that N2 was the stable form of nitrogen in the incipient solar system. To hold incipient cracks open,...


Заранее Заранее

Заранее Заряд [см. тж. Поддерживать заряд]


Заряд [см. тж. Поддерживать заряд]

A conductor is said to have a capacity of one farad if a charge of one coulomb raises its potential by one volt.

The excess charge on the oxygen atoms...

Заряжать до

The capacitor is charged to +6 volts.

Заряжаться положительно (отрицательно)

Some particles go positive (negative).

Заряжённый положительно [см. Положительно заряжённый].

Заселён (физ.)

Those states are fully occupied with known particles.

A variety of vibrational levels of the initial excited electronic state can be populated.


A pair of electrons represents a maximum orbital occupancy.

Заскакивать в

Move the valve positioning arm until it snaps into the notch.


The gases obscure (or screen) the object from view.

An absorbing screen of dust may block our view of the more distant quasars. The question of ultimate sensitivity should not obscure the important aspect of ...

Заслонять звезду

The dust permeates the dark clouds and shrouds the newborn stars. The stars were masked (or hidden) by the clouds.

Заслуга [см. Большая заслуга принадлежит].

Заслуга принадлежит

The credit (or Credit) for the discovery of oxygen is given (or is due, or goes) to ... The credit for the discovery of this element is shared by two men.


This report warrants (or deserves, or merits) careful study. One of these alloys appears worthy of investigation.

Заслуживать внимания

Several points in this curve are worthy of notice [or deserve (or merit) attention].

Fruits and seeds also occur in coalfield fossils and deserve (or are deserving of) more attention

(or consideration) than has been accorded them in the past.

The new device merits notice.

Заслуживать дальнейшего исследования

The problem is a valid one for further investigation (or deserves further investigation).

Заслуживать дополнительного изучения

These materials are (well) worth another look.

Заслуживать подробного рассмотрения

The classical features of parkinsonism are loo well known to merit detailed consideration here.

Заслуживать рассмотрения

This fact merits (or deserves, or is worthy of) consideration. Засоренный частицами


Засоренный частицами

A particle-laden gas stream ...


To clog air passages ...

This material clogs (or plugs) the pores.

Long chips clog the wheel surface.
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