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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Запасать энергию

The energy in a mechanical press is stored in a flywheel.

Запасённая энергия

The potential energy stored (up) in a pair of attracting bodies is ...


The standby (or emergency) transmitter is brought into use should a failure occur in the unit. Запасные части [см. Набор запасных частей и принадлежностей].

Запах [см. тж. Не иметь запаха]

This gas has neither colour nor odour.

Запиливать на радиус

File the comer of the blocks to the desired radius.

Запись [см.. Магнитная запись на плёнке].

Записывается как

This is written 20 ft per second or 20 ft/sec.

Записывать в виде

The error voltage may be written (as)


Записывать на

The current is recorded on a strip chart recorder.

Запитка мотора

Powering a motor.

Запланирован как

The system was originally envisioned (or conceived) as a drafting tool.

Запланирован на [см. Должен быть].

Запланированный [см. Планировать].

Заплата [см. Накладывать заплату, Ставить заплаты на].


The flush-mounted case takes up a minimum of panel space.

Заподлицо с поверхностью

Headless bushings can be installed flush with the jig plate surface.

Заполнен [см. тж. Наполненный воздухом]

The internal mechanisms of these jacks are packed in grease.

A column is packed (or filled) to a depth of 5 ft with ceramic spheres 5 mm in diameter. Заполнен на 3/4

The levelling bottle should be three-quarters full of water before beginning to ...

Заполнен наполовину

The sublevel is half full. Заполнение колонки [см. Высота заполнения колонки].


Заполнение колонки [см. Высота заполнения колонки].

Заполнение пробела между

This is done by bridging (or closing) the gap between these two dates.

Заполненный жидкостью

Hydrogen must diffuse into the liquid-filled pores.

Заполненный электронный уровень

A completed (or filled) electron level.

Заполнять анкету

The patient was asked to fill out the questionnaire.

Заполнять пробел в

This increasing amount of information closes (or bridges) the gaps in the geologic record. Polymerase was needed to fill gaps in newly synthesized molecules. To fill in the blanks in the catalogue of new particles,...

Заполнять разрыв между

Quantum theorists began to close the gap between basic principles and practical applications.


The material is used in the form of granules packed in a column.


You will have to commit to memory (or to memorize, or to remember) the names of... Запоминаться

Measuring results obtained from a number of production parts are stored and subjected to computer analysis to reveal cycle errors.

Запоминаться на

The pulse is stored into the permanent magnet memory matrix.

Запоминаться на магнитной ленте

The data are stored on a magnetic tape.

Заправка топливом

Before refuelling became necessary,...


Parts with interference can be pressed-in at much lower cost than final machining to exact dimensions.

These bearings are pressed into bearing housing blocks. Запрещать

There is nothing in the laws of energy conservation that would forbid a proton from decaying into...

Запрещено использовать в качестве

Polychlorinaled biphenyls are banned as plasticizers because they are known to be environmental hazards.

Запрещено пользоваться

Tools contaminated with short-lived products must be barred from use. Запрос [см. По заявке].


Запрос [см. По заявке].

Запросы удовлетворяются оперативно

Enquiries are dealt with expeditiously (or promptly).


The start-up of an electric motor ...

Запуск и остановка

A special valve in the exhaust cuts off the swish of noise during startup and slowdown.

Запуск спутника

The first launch(ing) of such a satellite is

projected for next year with a possibility of an experimental shot at an earlier date.

Запускать [см. тж. Включать]

The computer triggers the N2 laser.

The relay serves to actuate (or energize) the dial mechanism of the clock. The incoming start pulse fires the start blocking oscillator. The compressor was started.

A controlled system that contains only inertia, or an analogous quantity ,will keep moving forever once it has been set in motion.

The laser plasma is only the catalyst that serves to turn on (or trigger) the steady-state fusion process.

Chemical reactions can be initiated in less than a nanosecond by means of high-power pulsed laser.

Запускать аэростат

This balloon is to be flown next year.

Запускать в космическое пространство

Different types of instruments have been launched into space.

Запускать в массовое производство

It has been estimated that if and when these engines are put into mass production, they should cost about half as much per horsepower as a conventional engine.

Запускать или останавливать

The dispatcher may start up or shut down a generating unit.
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