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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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This has contributed measurably to their position of leadership in the industry.

Saturn is distinctly smaller than Jupiter.

This salt has a distinctly higher solubility than ...

Заметно влиять на

The chemical reactions of dienes are markedly (or distinctly) affected by the isolation of... The solvation energy materially affects AG.

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The new algorithm differs noticeably from the simple method.

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Trace contaminants on the base metals may have a pronounced (or marked, or tangible) effect on results.

Заметное действие [см. Оказывать заметное действие на].

Заметное количество

Continuous bubbling failed to produce any detectable aspartic acid.

Заметный [см. тж. Значительный, Чётко выраженный]

The hydrogen molecules here cannot emit detectable amounts of radiation.

The corrosion of an ancient metal object may continue at an appreciable rate in ordinary air.

The greater this velocity, the more conspicuous the Doppler shift.

A distinct drop was found at 86°F.

All these alloys possess marked ferromagnetic properties.

Acridine shows marked fluorescence.

If no perceptible (or sensible) change takes place in ..., the solution is saturated.

The influence of temperature is much more prominent than that of the reactor throughout.

The wood has been subjected to pronounced humidity changes.

Only one reaction occurs at a detectable rate without a catalyst.

The hydrogen contains noticeable amounts of ammonia and ... as impurities.

The tilt became more pronounced with time.

Many of these compounds are not formed in any detectable amount.

These changes are most evident in gases.

Such additional variables have no noticeable effect on ... Заметный для невооружённого глаза [см. Видимый невооружённым глазом].


Заметный для невооружённого глаза [см. Видимый невооружённым глазом]. Заметьте

Notice (or Note) that no time element is involved.


One additional comment (or remark) is necessary. Two more points need to be made.


This plant is notable (or remarkable) for many reasons, including its unique control system.

Замечать [см. тж. Обнаруживать, Следует отметить, что; Фиксировать]

Excessive vibration was noted in the suction line to the machine. A red scale was noticed to be attached to the surface.

At this stage the first significant changes in elongation at fracture were observed (or detected).


If the snowflake is turned by 60 degrees, no change will be perceived.


Nonmetals may replace (or substitute for) the hydrogen in ammonia.

Замкнутое пространство

The volume of the closed space in which the power is burned, is ...

Замкнутый выключатель

When the switch is closed, ...

Замкнуться на себя

It is even possible that space may close on itself.

Замкнутая орбита

The fluid circulates in a closed orbit.

Замкнутый на себя

The disk is provided with a coil closed upon itself.

Замкнутый объём

When a candle burns in an enclosed volume of air,...

Замкнутый сосуд

The gas is confined in a closed vessel (or container).

Замораживание ядерных арсеналов Nuclear freeze.

Замыкание выключателя

Closure of the switch will cause chart-drive motor to operate.

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A connector fastened to the coil is protected from shorting against the upper grip by...

Замыкать выключатель

To close the switch, the spring is charged by means of...

Замыкать контур

The switch closes the triggering circuit of the flash lamp.

Замыкать накоротко

The switch shorts out the first section of resistance. Замыкать цикл


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The Carnot cycle is closed by the hot body evaporating the liquid to ...


The magnetic lines of force close along the axis of the torus.

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The primary circuit of the transformer is completed through a trip switch.


The material deposited may be brought in from remote sources. Занижение

This can lead to underestimating (or understating, or underrating) the error.

Заниженного диаметра

Normal size taps will usually cut undersize threads.


The calculation will yield a conservative result.

Занимательная математика

Recreational mathematics (or Mathematics for fun).

Занимать I

The machine will take some seven years to complete... Занимать II

A one-mole sample of any gas occupies the same volume as ...

Занимать большое место в

The bicycle figured prominently in the early development of the automobile.

Занимать важное место в

Today, farm animals fill (or occupy) a highly important place in the life of man. It seems clear that this engine will loom large in the future of the engine industry. Stackers have a significant place in the development of this equipment.

Занимать ведущее положение

By 1920, electron tubes and their circuits came to the forefront and replaced other means of generating radio waves.
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