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Новейшая история Англии - Трухановский В.Г.

Трухановский В.Г. Новейшая история Англии. Под редакцией Полтавского М. — М.: Социально-экономической литературы, 1958. — 592 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): novistang1958.djvu
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Muir R. Political Consequences of the Great War. London 1930.
Muir R. The Record of the National Government. London 1936.
Murphy J. T. Preparing for Power. London 1934.
Murray K. A. H. Agriculture. London 1955.
Murrow E. This is London. New York 1941.
Namier L. B. Diplomatic Prelude 1938—1939. London 1948.
NearingS. The British General Strike. New York 1926.
Neuman W. Making the Peace. 1941—1945. The diplomacy of the wartime conferences. Washington 1950.
Newton A. A Hundred Years of the British Empire. London 1940.
Noel Baker P. The Private Manufacturers of Armaments. London 1937.
Ogg F. A. English Government and Politics. New York 1929.
O'Neill H. A short history of the second world war and its social and political significance. London 1950.
Orr J. B. Food, Health and Income. London 1936.
Or ton W. A. Labour in Transition. A survey of British industrial history
since 1914. London 1921. Owen II. Steel. The Facts about Monopoly and Nationalisation. London 1946. Parkinson H. Ownership of Industry. London 1951, Persival. The War in Malaya. London 1949.
Pigou A. C. Aspects of British Economic History 1918—1925. London 1948.
Plummer A. International Combines in Modern Industry. London 1934. Political Britain. Parties, Policies and Politicians. London 1929. Pollit II. The Communist Party on Trial. London 1925. Pollitt H. How to Win the Peace. London 1944. Pollitt H. Looking Ahead. London 1947.
Pollitt II., Stewart R., Hunnington W. On the Thirtieth Anniversary of the
Communist Party. 1920—1950. London 1950. Postan M. M. British War Production. London 1952. Powell-Price J. A History of India. London 1955. Powers J. Years of Tumult. The World Since 1918. New York 1932. Price J. British Trade Unions and the War. London 1945. PrittD. N. Star Spangled Shadow. London 1947. PrittD. N. The State Department and the Cold War. New York 1948. PrittD. N. and Smith E. They Helped Hitler. Fascist rearmament financed
from London. London 1936. Quigley H. Towards Industrial Recovery. London 1927. Rankin M. T. Arbitration principles and the industrial court: An analysis
of decisions. 1919—1929. London 1931. Rayner R. M. The Story of Trade Unionism from the Combination Acts to
the General Strike. London—New York 1929. Raynes J. R. Coal and its Conflicts. A Brief Record of the Disputes between
Capital and Labour in the Coal Mining Industry of Great Britain.
London 1928.
Reid W. S. Economic History of Great Britain. New York 1954. Richardson J. H. British Economic Foreign Policy. London 1936. Robbins L. Economic Causes of the War. London 1939.
Root W. The Secret History of the War, vol. I—III. New York 1945—1946. Ross J. F. S. Elections and Electors. Studies in democratic representation. London 1955.
PostasL. Productivity, Prices and Distribution in Selected British Industries.
Cambridge 1948. Rothermzre H. My Fight to Rearm Britain. London 1939. Rothermere H. Warnings and Prediction. London 1939. Rothstein A. A History of the USSR. London 1951. Rowe J. W. F. Wages'in the Coal Industry. London 1923.
37 в. Г. Трухановский
Список основной литературы и источников
Royal Institute of International Affairs. Defence in the Cold War. London 1950.
The Royal Institute of International Affairs. Germany's Claim to Colonies. London 1934.
Royal Institute of International Affairs. United Kingdom Policy: Foreign,
Strategic, Economic. London 1950. Russell R. S. Imperial Preference. Its Development and Effects. London 1947. Rust W. Britons in Spain. London 1939. Rust W. The Story of the Daily Worker. London 1949. Rutherford V. War or Peace? England and America. London 1930. Sanders E. M. Great Britain and Ireland. London 1937. Scanion J. Decline and Fall of the Labour Party. London 1932. Schlote W. British Overseas Trade. From 1700 to the 1930's. Oxford 1952. Selby W. Diplomatic Twilight. 1930—1940. London 1953. Seton-Waston H. The East European Revolution. London 1950. Seton-Watson H. Eastern Europe between the Wars. 1918—1941. Cambridg
Shuman F. L. Europe on the Eve. The Crisis of Diplomacy. 1933—1939. New York 1939.
Shuman F. L. Night over Europe. The Diplomacy of Nemesis. 1939—1940.
New York 1941. Smellie K. B. The British Way of Life. Melbourne 1955. Smith G. A History of England. New York 1949. Smith W. R. Nationalism and Reform in India. New Haven 1938. Sommerville H. Britain's Economic Illness. London 1931. Spaight J. The Battle of Britain. 1940. London 1941. Socialism and Foreign Policy. By Socialist Union. London 1953. Spalding. The Income Tax of Great Britain and the USA. London 1926. Spender J. A. A Short History of Our Times. London 1934. Stewart M. Policy and Weapons in the Nuclear Age. London 1955. Stirling Tailor G. R. A Modern History of England 1885—1932. A Study
in Politics, Economics and Ethics. London 1932. Survey of American interests in the Middle East. Washington 1953. Swain J. Beginning of the Twentieth Century. A history of Europe from
1870 to the present. New York 1938. Swanwick H. Labour's forgeign policy. Westminster 1929. Tansill C. C. Back Door to War. The Roosevelt Foreign Policy. 1933—1941.
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