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Новейшая история Англии - Трухановский В.Г.

Трухановский В.Г. Новейшая история Англии. Под редакцией Полтавского М. — М.: Социально-экономической литературы, 1958. — 592 c.
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in English and American Industry. London 1924. Foot M. R. D. British Foreign Policy Since 1898. London 1956. Fox F. Parliamentary Government a Failure? London 1928. Fox R. The Class Sruggle in Britain in the Epoch of the Imperialism.
Pt. II. London 1933. Fox R. The Colonial Policy of British Imperialism. London 1933. Fox R. M. History of the Irish Citizen Army. Dublin 1944. Fox W. The Food Combines. London 1931. Fox W. Imperial Chemical Industries. London 1934. Franks O. S. Britain and the Tide of World Affairs. London 1955. Fuller J. F. C. How to Defeat Russia. London 1951.
Fuller J. F. C. The Second World War 1939—1945. A Strategical and Tactical History. London 1948. The Future of the House of Lords. A Symposium. London 1954. Fyfe H. The British Liberal Party. An historical sketch. London 1928. Garbett C. World Problems of To-day. London 1955.
Gathorne-Hardy G. A Short History of International Affairs. 1920—1939 London 1950.
Список основной литературы и источников
Glasgow G. From Dawes to Locarno. London 1925.
Glasgow G. McDonald as Diplomatist. The Foreign Policy of the First Labour
Government in Great Britain. London 1924. Golding D. Marching with the Times. 1931—1946. London 1947. Gollan J. 30 Years of Struggle. The Record of the British Communist Party.
London 1950.
Gollancz V. Is Mr. Chamberlain Saving Peace? London 1939. Cooch G. P. British Foreign Policy Since the War. London 1936. Cooch G. P. Studies in Diplomacy and Statecraft. London 1942. Goodhart A. L. The British Constitution. New York 1945. Gracchus. Your M. P. London 19 j4. Graham W. The Wages of Labour. London 1924.
Grant A. J. and Temperley H. W. Europe in the 19-th and 20-th Centuries.
1789—1938. London 1939. Graubard S. R. British Labour and the Russian Revolution. 1917—1924.
London 1956.
Graves C. The Home Guard of Britian. A Comprehensive History of the Home-Guard Movement 1940—1943. London 1943. Graves R. and Hodge A. The Long Week-End. London 1940. Greenwood G. A. England To-dav. London 1926. Grenfell D. R. Coal. London 1947.
Gretton R. A. Modern History of the English People. 1880—1922.London 1930. Grigg E. British Foreign Policy. London 1944. Groves R. Four Years of Labour «Opposition». London 1929. Gyorgy A. and Gibbs H. S. (Ed.) Problems in International Relations. New York 1955.
Hadley W. Minich: before and after. London 1944. Hall H. D. North American Supply. London 1955. Hammond R. J. Food, vol. I. London 1951.
Hancock W. K. and Gowing^ M. M. British War Economy. London 1949.
Hannington W. Chamberlain. Face the Facts. London 1939.
Hannington W. Industrial History in Wartime. London 1940.
Hannington W. The Problem of the Distressed Areas. London 1937.
Hannington W. Ten Lean Years. London 1940.
Hannington W. Unemployed Struggles. 1919—1936. London 1936.
Harris S. E. Monetary Problems of the British Empire. New York 1931.
HartL. The other side of the hill. London.
Haxey S. England's Money Lords. New York 1939.
Hearnshaw F. C. Conservatism in England. London lv 33.
Hearnshaw F. J. C. Prelude to 1937. Being a Sketch of the Critical Years
1931—1936. London 1937. Heatherington D. F. Britain's Economic Crisis. New York 1947. Heaton H. The British Way to Recovery. Minneapolis 1934. Heinemaon M. Britain's Coal. London 1944. Henderson A. Labour's Foreign Policy. London 1933. Henderson A. Trade Unions and the Law. London 1927. Henderson H. D. The Inter-War Years and Other Papers. Oxford 1955. Hewart, Lord. The New Despotism. London 1945.
Heyer F. Englands Abwendung von der Weltwirtschaft. Stuttgart 1939. Hirst F. W. The Consequences of the War to Great Britain. London 1934. Hirst F. Safeguarding and Protection. London 1926.
The History of the Times. The 150-th Anniversary and Beyond 1912—1948.
Pt. I—II. New York 1952. Hodges F. What the Miners Want. Brodford — Manchester 1920. Hoffmann W. British Industry. 1700—1950. Oxford 1955. Hubbart R. Eastern Industrialisation and its Effect on the West. London
Список основной литературы и источников
Huddleston S. Popular Diplomacy and War. Rindge 1954. 100 Facts on the Ballot Box. London 1950.
Hutchison K. The Decline and Fall of British Capitalism. New York 1950. Hutt A. British Trade Unionism. An Outline History. London 1945. Hutt A. The Post-War History of the British Working-Class. London 1937. Hutt A. This Final Crisis. London 1935. Hutt A., S chaffer G., Darling G. Peace for Our Time. Imperial Conference. London 1930. Summary of proceedings... London 1930. Industrial Record. 1919—1939. A Review of the Inter-War Years. Bournvil-le 1945.
Ingersoll R. Report on England. London 1941. Ingram K. History of the Cold War. London 1955.
James F. C. England to-day. A Survey of Her Economic Situation. London 1932.
James W. M. The British Navies in the Second World War. London 1947. Jones G. P. and Poll A. G. A Hundred Years of Economic Development in
Great Britain. New York 1940. Jones J. M. The Fifteen Weeks. New York 1955. Kammerer A. Le verite sur l'Armistice. Paris 1945.
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