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Древняя история и традиционная культура - Шатин А.Ю.

Шатин А.Ю. Древняя история и традиционная культура — Научный журнал, 2009. — 180 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): drevnayaistoriyaitradicionnayakultura2009.pdf
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The author of the article distinguishes priests’ burials in a group of burials of the Aj type in IV century B.C. That ethnic grouping genetically linked to the Sargat ethnic and cultural

community of Western Siberia used to inhabit the territory of the Myasegut steppe forest in Bashkir Transurals. The burials discussed are treated by the author to be those of professional fortune-tellers. The archaeological materials testify to women’s important role in the ritual sphere of tribes of the early Iron Age in steppe and forest steppes.

Yesikova E. M. Mission of Russian Orthodox Church among the Kalmyks in the Orenburg Diocese (1859-1917).

The Kalmyks, living on the territory of the Orenburg Diocese from the second part of the 19th century up to the beginning of the 20th century, were Christianized but they still maintained the ceremonies of Lamaism. Active missionary work among them began after 1905 when the law about religious freedom had been adopted and, as a result, many Kalmyks had left Orthodox Church to create Lamaist communities.

Ivanov A. A. On the traditions and innovations in the formation of the Soviet Counterintelligence Services in 1918-1919.

The article is dedicated to the evolution of the basics of the Soviet Counterintelligence’s organizational building during the Civil War. Using published and unpublished documents, the author makes an attempt to compare the Russian pre-Revolution and post-Revolution counterespionage departments. The research allows understanding the peculiarities of the Soviet policy in the sphere of state security in 1918-1919.

Ilyasov T. T. On the history of the origin of kurai, a Bashkir national musical instrument.

The article deals with the brief history of the origin of kurai, a Bashkir musical instrument. The author compares kurai with related musical instruments belonging to the type of the longitudinal open flute and used by neighbouring peoples. Applied to archaeological, literary, and linguistic sources, the rough age of the musical instrument comes to light.

Karmanova G. N. The life of orthodox believers according to reports of Joint State Political Directorate (JSPD-OGPU) during the 1930-s.

The author analyzes reports of OGPU during the 1930-s. The specific features of documents of that period consist of detailed and update information on various aspects of religious life of Orthodox believers in the context of ongoing public policy of forced collectivization. In particular, the article covers repressive actions of the authorities towards secret monastic communities.

Kostyukov V. P. Shibanids and Tukatimurids in the Second Half of XIV Century.

The article represents a short essay of the political history of Ulus Dzhuchi during the crisis of 1360-1380. The author concludes that in spite of the fact that the majority of khans were descendants of Shiban or Tuka-Timur, the scramble for the Saray’s throne cannot be considered as the fight of the two close-knit clans for the support of their candidate. The success of this or that pretender to the throne often depended on many random factors.

Kuliev F. M. The formation of the system of management of Christian non-Orthodox confessions in XIX century in the Northern Caucasus.

The author of the article studies the process of the formation of the Northern Caucasus as a multinational region where along with supporters of Islam and Orthodox lived supporters of Protestantism. The work also deals with the major principle of the religious policy on control system formation of non-Orthodox Christian faiths in the Northern Caucasus in XIX century.

Lyubchanskaya T. V. On the image of a professional in the expedition folklore of Chelyabinsk archeologists.

The author of the article studies expedition folklore of Chelyabinsk archeologists. The educational orientation of an archeological collective is reduced to the formation of a romantic masculine image in the expedition folklore. This image helps to introduce new members to an archeological collective.

Lubchansky I. E. Material culture of the nomads of South Transurals (II - beginning VI cent. A.D): the complex of weapons.

The history of South Transurals is closely intertwined with cultural and ethnic genesis processes of the Eurasian nomadic tribes which had a strong influence on the formation of South Transurals indigenous population. The article is devoted to South Transurals nomads’ weapon complex and the cultural origins of its formation.

Malyshenko G. I. The economic way of life and methods of economic adaptation of Cossacks in emigration.

The article examines the specific character of the economic way of life in Cossack settlements. It also analyses the reasons for the Cossacks’ choice of several ways of adaptation: the labour immigration, the availability of finances, the organization of their own business, and different forms of cooperation. The questions concerned with professional skills of the emigrants’ agricultural population and the role of international organizations in the economic adaptation of the Russian refugees are of a particularly great interest.
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