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Гербы и флаги карелии - Пашков A.M.

Пашков A.M. Гербы и флаги карелии — Петрозаводск, 1994. — 352 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): gerbiflag1994.pdf
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1. Forms of the Geraldic Shield: Varangian (1|, Italian |2|, Spanish 131, French [41, German |5|. Graphic representation of colours in the Coats of Arms: Red ['•";, Blue [7), Green |8], Purple [9], Black Ц0].
2. Heraldic Figures in the Coats of Arms: \\,p I 11. Bottom (2|, Pillar [31, Belt [4[, Baldric on the Right |5|, Baldric on the Left [6], Truss [7|, Cross [a combination of Pillar and Belt| |8], Cross made of two Baldrics [9|.
3. The Pedigree Symbols of the Ruriks.
4. The Seals of the Feudal Republic of Novgorod in the 13th — 15lh centuries [bearing the Figures of Jesus Christ, a Rider, a Warrior, a »Fierce Beasl» and a Birdi
5. The State Seal of Ivan the 3d [the Front and Reverse Side].
6. The Description of the Emblem of the Novgorod Principality on Ivan the Terrible's Great State Seal.
7. The State Seal of Tzar Aleksey Mikhailovich.
8. The Emblem of the Novgorod Principality from the «Title Воок» of the «Great State Воок» of the 1672.
9. The Seal of Vyborg in 1403.
10. A View of Vyborg in the 17tn century.
11. The Coat of Arms of Vyborg in 1788.
12. The Coat of Arms of Vyborg in 1817.
13. The Swedish Coat of Arms of Karelia in 1562.
14. The Seal of Kexholm in the Middle of the 17th century.
15. The Coat of Arms of Kexholm in 1788.
16. Count Gustav Adam Baner.
17. The Coat of Arms of the Baner kin.
18. The Seal of Sordvalla in the 17th century.
19. The Coat of Arms of Serdobol in 1788.
20. The Coat of Arms of Sortavala in 1892.
21. The Coat of Arms of the Kurkiyoki-born natives in Finland. Year 1989. Designer. T. Talari (based on the Seal of Kroneborg of late 17 century].
22. The Coat of Arms of the Lahdenpohya-born natives in Finland. Year 1991. Designer H. Uimonen.
23. A View of Sortavala. Year 1913.
24. The Coat of Arms of the Harlu-born natives in Finland.
25. Peter the Great.
26. The Title-Page of «Simbola and Emblemata», Amsterdam 1 705.
27. The Emblem of «Sub Clupeo» from «Simbola and Emblemata».
28. Conrit Fransisk Santi.
29. The Coat of Arms of Lappland in Ihe 17th Century.
30. The Coat of Arms on the Banner of the Olonets Regiment from the Book of Coats of Arms by Minikh. Year 17$9.
31. Catherine the 2nd.
32. Prince M. Shcherbatov.
33. The Coat of Arms of Novgorod in 1781.
34. The Coat of Arms of Olonets in 1781.
35. The Coat of Arms of Petrozavodsk in 1781.
36. The Plan and Coat of Arms of Petrozavodsk.
37. Views of Petrozavodsk in the 19tncentury.
38. The Plan and Coat of Arms of Olonets.
39. A View of Olonets.
40. The Map of the Olonets Province in 1845.
41. The Coat of Arms of Padansk in 1781.
42. The Coat of Arms of Kargopol in 1781.
43. The Plan and Coat of Arms of Kargopol.
44. The Coat of Arms of Vytegra in 1781.
45. The Plan and Coat of Arms of Vytegra.
46. Views of Vytegra.
47. G. Derzhavin.
48. Charter of Catherine the 2nd.
49. The Coat of Arms of the Korel Principality.
50. The Coat of Arms of Lodeynoye Pole.
51. The Plan and Coat of Arms of Lodeynoye Pole.
52. A View of Povenets.
53. A View of Lodeynoye Pole.
54. The Coat of Arms of Pudozh.
55. The Plan and Coat of Arms of Pudozh.
56. The Coat of Arms of Kern.
57. The Coat of Arms of Povenets.
58. The Plan and Coat of Arms of Povenets.
59. The Coat of Arms of the Olonets Province in 1802.
60. The Coat of Arms of Olonets Province in 1878.
61. The Aiguillettes of Gallen-Kallela.
62. The Flag of the Uhta Community. Year 1818. Designer I. Heiska. Reconstructed by K. Laurl.
63. The Coat of Arms and Flag of the Uhta Government., Year 1920. Designer A. Gallen-Kallela.
64. The Civil/Folk/Flag of ihe Uhla Government. Year 1920. Designer A. Gallen-Kallela.
65. The Military Colours of the Uhta Government, Year 1920. Designer A. Gallen-Kalleia.
66. The Drafts of the Coat of Arms of the Uhta Government ami the the Flag of Karelia, in the 1930s.
67. The Emblem and Flag of the Russian Federation in 1920. 6.V I lie I iag nj the Russian Federation adopted in the Olo-nets. Province in 1918. (the Front and Reverse side).
69. The Emblem and Flag of the Union of the SSR in 1924. Designer I. Dubasov.
70. The Emblem and Flag of the Karelian ASSR in 1938.
71. The Emblem and Flag of the Karelian and Finnish SSR in 1940.
72. An Election Poster of the year 1947. Designer G. Kononov.
73. The Draft Flag of the Karelian and Finnish SSR in 1947.
74. The Flag of the Karelian and Finnish SSR in 1953.
75. The Emblem and Flag of Karelian ASSR in 1956.
76. The Draft Flag of the Karelian ASSR. Designer K. Laurla. Year 1976.
77. The Emblem and Flag of the Karelian ASSR in 1978.
78. The Emblem of Priozersk. Year 1969. Designer V. Mo-nakov.
79. The Emblem of Petrozavodsk. Year 1973. Designers E. Ada-leva and T. Kovalevskaya.
80. The Draft Emblem of Kondopoga. Year 1983. Designer V. Hakalo.
81. The Emblem of Sortavala. Year 1991.
82. The Emblem of Pitkaranta. Year 1990. Designer G. Yadrov.
83. The Emblem of Belomorsk. Year 1988. Designer N. Truk-hin.
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