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Боспорский сборник 3 - Паромов Я.М.

Паромов Я.М. Боспорский сборник 3 — М.: АРХЭ, 1993. — 165 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): bosporskiysbornik1993.djvu
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EXCAVATIONS are represented on the published plan in the real size (location of some of the excavations was determined by aerophotography).

AREAS OF LIFTING MATERIAL COLLECTION, SETTLEMENT BORDERS, ANCIENT ROADS According to the investigation program of the expedition in 1991 - 1992 the detailed prospecting based on the results of aerophotography was carried out. The results of these investigations are represented on the plan.

SUBMARINE CERAMIC ’’COMPLEXES”, LIFTING AREAS, AND OTHER OBJECTS. The submarine "complexes" are the places where the material was undoubtedly found "in situ". Thanks to this they differ from
Археолого-топографический план Патрея


submarine lifting areas where it should be born in mind the danger of its displacement.

The numeration of the archaeological objects is given on the plan in the chronological order.

According to the data of excavations, prospecting (field investigations), and nautical works the dynamics of the settlement development was revealed.

THE SETTLEMENT OF THE LATE BRONZE AGE - EARLY IRON AGE occupied about 6 hectares according to the data of excavations and investigations (see picture 2). The settlement was situated basically on the left (northern) bank of the ancient stream. One of the ancient roads was its original axis.

EARLY ANTIGUE SETTLEMENT (THE MIDDLE OF THE Vl-th - V-th CENTURY B.C.) wholly absorbed the settlement of the previous epoch and spread far from its limits (see picture 3). However it does not mean their direct succession. According to the archaeological observations there was an interval between the existence time of the settlement of the late Bronze Age - early Iron Age and the origin time of the early antique settlement. The centre of the antique settlement displaced towards the bay shore, At that time the settlement area comprised about 53 hectares. In the period studied "Patrey settlement” was the centre of the certain agricultural region, what is testified to by the developed infrastructure, first of all — roads which^were forking from it in all directions and connected them and the settlement into the single system, land strips which traces are represented on the aerophotography practically on the whole adjoining area.

The two next stages of the settlement development covering THE IV-th CENTURY -THE BEGINNING AN D THE SECOND GUARTER OF THE ІІІ-rd CENTURY - THE BEGINNING OF THE I-st CENTURY B.C. are similar to a large extent (see pictures 4, 5). They reflect the time of maximum development and stable existence of the settlement which area comprised on the first stage abuot 63 hectares and on the second — 60 hectares. The distinctive feature of the infrastructure development in the period studied was the appearence of separate farmsteads which were situated in the country district by roads and near the stream.

FINAL STAGE OF THE ANTIQUE PERIOD of settlement existence (the second quarter of the I-st century

B.C. - IV-th centuries A.D.) is marked by some environment changes such as water elevation in the first place and the flood of the southern part of the settlement (see picture 6). At that time the settlement area reduced and comprised about 50.5 hectares and in connection with the construction in the eastern part of the adobe fortress,which designated a new centre, its structure changed.

DURING THE EARLY MEDIEVAL STAGE (the V-th - VH-th centuries A.D.) the situation sharply changed. By this time there was no antique settlement any more, the life prescrvedonly on the small territory about 4.25 hectares without marked centre far from the shore,

DURING HAZAR PERIOD (THE VIH-th - IX-th CENTURIES) the settlement revived once again on the same place. At that time its area comprised 15.5 hectares (see picture 8). It was situated on the vast territory without marked centre both on the bay shore and away from it.

DURING TMUTARAKAN PERIOD (THE X-th - ХІ-th CENTURIES) the settlement on the same place reduced again (see picture 9). At that time the life was fixed on the separate territories. They comprised at together

4.5 hectares and were situated on the large territory in the western and eastern parts of former antique settlement both on the bay shore and far from it.

The two next stages of the settlement life FROM THE ХІІ-th TO THE XlV-th CENTURIES AND FROM THE XVII-th TO THE XVIII-th CENTURIES are similar to a large extent and are connected with its revival and stable exsistance during medieval and modern periods (see pictures 10, 11). Relative to previous periods it not only increased but also gained compact inner structure and was situated basically on the left (northen) bank of the river though in its southern part it reached the bay shore. The settlement centre in comparison with the antique period displaced from the shore to the area heart. The comparison of the given plans (see pictures 10,11) testifies to the succession of settlement development though during the later period its area somewhat reduced (from 25 to 21.5 hectares).
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