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Государства и культуры иранского государства - Гафуров Б.Г.

Гафуров Б.Г. Государства и культуры иранского государства — Москва, 1971. — 204 c.
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A major factor in the development of Iran and Central Asia was the formation, between, the IX and XI centuries, of a new

type of feudal city and its social structure. Studies of that city were initiated by V. V. Barthold and carried on by A. Yu.

Yakubovsky and M. E. Masson (Tashkent); some aspects of the


problem were also tackled by A. M. Belenitsky and I. P. Petrushevsky. One of the most specific features in the history of
feudalism in Iran and in a number of other Asian countries is the fact that settled farming there co-existed with nomadic cattle-breeding. Nomads often came out as conquerors and the military-feudal chieftain of Tiurk and Mongol nomadic tribes won political power in medieval Iran as far back as the mid-XI century. The role of nomads in the development of feudalism in Iran and in the neighbouring countries was studied by V .V. Barthold, A. Yu. Yakubovsky, C. P. Tolstov (Moscow), I. P. Petrushevsky and others.

The problems of social antagonisms, the history of popular revolts against feudal exploitation and the ideology of popular movements were investigated by V. V. Barthold, N, V. Pigulevskaya (the Mazdaqite revolt), E. A. Belyaev (Moscow — the Zinj revolt), Taji Kadyrova (Tashkent — the Kharijite and other movements of the VIII—IX centuries), L. V. Stroyeva and A. E. Bertels Jr. (the Ismailite movement in the XI—XIII centuries), I. P. Petrushevsky (the Sarba-darid movement of the XIV century and the revolts in Tabriz in 1571 and Gui-lyan, in 1629), and N. D. Miklukho-Maklai (the popular movements of the XVI—XVIII centuries). Problems pertaining to the history of late feudalism in Iran (the XVIII century) were studied by M. R. Arunova and K. Z. Ashra-fyan (Moscow).

It may well be said that studies of the history of feudal society in Iran by Russian and Soviet Orientalists were based on original sources and made a substantial contribution to this field of science.


The work analyzes information contained in ancient sources on the formation of the Achaemenid Power in 553—547 В.

С. The information is found in a cycle of stories about the rise of Cyrus to power. All the stories of Cyrus* rise known to us are based on at least, three versions of verbal legends about him. The first is found in works of logographers, the bulk of the second was retold by Herodotus, and that of the third, by Ctesias. The second and third versions were strongly influenced by the myth that had formed them. As regards the later Iranian tradition, the second version was reflected in the legend of Kei-Khusrow, and the third, in the story of Ardashir. All the ancient data on the formation of the Achaemenid State and on its founder, Cyrus, can, in some way or other, be traced back to one of those three versions. This determines the way separate aspects of the given problem are tackled. While analyzing these, mythical elements are regarded separately from those that are historically authentic. The latter include the following: Cyrus1 origin; his stay at the court


of Astyagus; his alliance with the Cadusians; ihe unification by Cyrus of the Persian tribes and his original kingdom; the war between Curys and Astyagus; the conquest of Media by Cyrus; Pasargadae and Susa as Cyrus' capitals. Some characters of the ancient stories of Cyrus are also mentioned: Astyagus and his daughter, the mages and Spitamas, Harpagus and Ocbaras.

M. A. Dandamaev


The Achaemenian state was the first and perhaps the only power in the Ancient Orient which proclaimed a tolerant and friendly attitude to the cultural traditions and religions of subjugated nations. The Achaemenids were able to maintain relative peace over a considerable period of time throughout the vast territory from Egypt to the Indian border. They also created favorable conditions for the development of international trade and cultural contacts between different countries. The economic and political institutions and cultural traditions that were formed during the Achaemenian period, played an important role in history and were preserved in the course of many centuries in the Empire of Alexander the Great, in the Parthian and Sassanid states, etc. As to works of art created in Ancient Iran, they still make a deep impression on us by the originality of their themes and the perfection of forms.

V. G, L ukonin


The article deals with some basic traits of ancient Iranian art in the pre-Achaemenian, Achaemenian, Parthian and Sassanid epochs. Archaeological objects in Iran dating back to the end of the second and the early first millennia В. С., including a number of recently investigated ones, make it possible to draw certain conclusions about that early stage in the history of Persian art. Monuments of that period found in different parts of Western Iran testify to a certain artistic unity. There are also samples of a mixed style among them; known as the «style of citations», it was subject to different influences, but had not yet developed into a new, integrally shaped art. Direct influences and borrowings from different fields are typical of Achaemenian art, but once
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