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Сейсмические морские волны. Цунами - Мурти Т.С.

Мурти Т.С. Сейсмические морские волны. Цунами — Л.: ГИДРОМЕТЕОИЗДАТ, 1981. — 446 c.
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474. Nakamura K. 1962. The generation of edge waves by cylindrical waves impinging from the outer sea. Sei. Rep. Tohoku Univ. Ser. 5, 14: 27—40.
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476. Nakamura K., and H. W a t a n a b e. 1961. Tsunami forerunners observed in the case of the Chilean tsunami of 1960. Rep. Chilean Tsunami May 24, 1960 as observed along the coast of Japan. Comm. Field Invest. Chilean Tsunami 1960. p. 379.
477. Nakamura K., and H. Watanabe. 1966. Edge waves and tsunamis. Proc. 11th Рас. Sei. Congr., Tokyo, Jpn. 1—4: 163 p.
478. Nakamura S. 1972. On hydraulic bore and its application — tsunami generation and propagation, p. 1—13. In Proc. Tsunami Symp. Associated with 14th General Assembly of IUGG, Moscow, 10—12 Aug., 1971. (In Russian).
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28 Заказ № 5
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485. Na к a yam a M. 1972. On the PCM-FS-FM tide telemetering system for warning of tsunamis and storm surges. Oceanogr. Mag. 23: 59—67.
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488. Nekrasov A. V. 1970. Transformation of tsunamis on the continental shelf, p. 337—350. In W. M. Adams [ed.] Tsunamis in the Pacific Ocean. East West Center Press, Honolulu, Hawaii.
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498. Ogiwara D., and Т. O к і t a. 1951. Studies on tsunami on the Pacific coasts of northern Honshu (I — the model experiment of tsunami in Shi-zukawa Harbor). Sei. Rep. Tohoku Univ. Ser. 5, 2: 58—65.
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