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Сейсмические морские волны. Цунами - Мурти Т.С.

Мурти Т.С. Сейсмические морские волны. Цунами — Л.: ГИДРОМЕТЕОИЗДАТ, 1981. — 446 c.
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435. Momoi T. 1969b. A long wave in the vicinity of an estuary [VI]. Bull. Earthquake Res. Inst. 47: 487—521.
436. Momoi T. 1969c. A long wave around a breakwater (case of normal incidence) [VII]. Bull. Earthquake Res. Inst. 47: 701—719.
437. Momoi T. 1969d. A long wave around a breakwater (case of oblique incidence) [VIII]. Bull. Earthquake Res. Inst. 47: 875—890.
438. Mooers C N. K., and R. L. Smith. 1968. Continental shelf waves off Oregon. J. Geophys. Res. 73: 549—557.
439. Moreira S. 1970. Tsunamis observed on the coasts of Europe, North Africa and Middle East, p. 113—114. In J. M. Van Gils [ed.] Gen. Comm. Seismol. Eur., Luxembourg, 2th Assem., Sept. 21—29, 1970. Obs. R. Belg. Comm. Ser. A. 13.
440. Morrow С. T. 1966. Diffraction of ocean waves about a breakwater. J. Waterways, Harbors Coastal Eng. Div., Proc. Am. Soc. Civ. Eng. 92: 25—44.
441. Muga В. J., and J. F. Wilson. 1970. Surface gravity water waves, p. 20—67. In Dynamic analysis of ocean structures. Plenum Press, New York, N. Y.
442. Miller L. 1964. The rock slide in the Vajont Valley. J. Intr. Soc. Rock. Mech. 2: 3—4.
443. Munk W. H. 1947. Increase in the period of waves travelling over large distances: with applications to tsunamis, swell, and seismic surface waves. Trans. Am. Geophys. Union. 28: 198—217.
444. Munk W. H. 1953. Small tsunami waves reaching California from the Japanese earthquake of March 4, 1952. Bull. Seismol. Soc. Am. 43: 219— 222.
445. M u n к W. H. 1957. HiIo seawall, Island of Hawaii. Territory of Hawaii. Appendix I to review report on survey of HiIo harbor. Scripps Inst. Ocea-nogr., Univ. California, Berkeley.
446. Munk W. H. 1963. Some comments regarding diffusion and absorption of tsunamis, p. 53—72. In D. C. Cox [ed.] Proc. tsunami meetings associated 10th Рас. Sei. Congr. Honolulu, Hawaii. Union Geod. Geophys. Monogr. 24.
447. M u n к W. H., and R. S. Arthur. 1952. Wave intensity along a refracted ray, p. 95—108. In Proc. Symp. Gravity Waves. U. S. Natl. Bur. Stand. Circ. 521.
448. M u n к W. H., G. R. Miller, and F. E. S n о d g r a s s. 1962. Long-period waves over California's continental borderland. Part III. The decay of tsunamis and the dissipation of tidal energy. J. Mar. Res. 20: 119—120.
449. Munk W. H., and M. C Sargent. 1948. Adjustment of Bikini Atoll to ocean waves. Trans. Am. Geophys. Union 29: 855—860. (Abstract).
450. M u n к W. H., F. E. S n о d g r a s s, and G. Carrier. 1956. Edge waves on the continental shelf. Science 123: 127—132.
451. M u n к W. H., F. E. S n о d g r a s s, and F. Gilbert. 1964. Long waves on the continental shelf: an experiment to separate trapped and leaky modes. J. Fluid Mech. 20: 529—554.
452. Murphy L. M., and W. K. Cloud. 1954. Tidal disturbances of seismic origin for 1952. U. S. Earthquake Notes 773: 1—50.
453. Murphy L. M., and R. A. E p p 1 e y. 1970. Developments and plans for the Pacific tsunami warning system, p. 261—270. In W. M. Adams [ed.] Tsunamis in the Pacific Ocean. East West Center Press. Honolulu, Hawaii.
454. Murty T. S. 1971. The response of a lake with a depth-discontinuity to a time-dependent wind-stress. Arch. Meteorol. Geophys. Bioklamatol. Ser. A, 20: 55—66.
455. Murty T. S. 1975. The dynamics of tsunamis. Proc. 1975 Conf. Ocean Mar. Tech. Soc. p. 1—8.
456. Murty T. S., and L. В о і 1 а г d. 1970. The tsunami in Alberni Inlet caused by the Alaska earthquake of March, 1964, p. 165—187. In W. M. Adams [ed.] Tsunamis in the Pacific Ocean. East West Center Press, Honolulu, Hawaii.
457. Murty T. S., and N. G. Freeman. 1973. Applications of the concepts of edge waves and numerical modeling to storm surge studies on Lake Huron. Proc. 16th Conf. Great Lakes Res. Int. Assoc., Great Lakes Res. Ann Arbor. Mich. p. 533—548.
458. Murty T. S., and R. F. Henry. 1972. Some tsunami studies for the west coast of Canada. Dep. Environ., Mar. Sei. Dir., MS Rep. 28: 1—46.
459. Murty T. S., and J. D. Taylor. 1975. Free oscillations in bays and harbors. Symposium on modeling techniques. 2nd Annu. Symp. Waterways, Harbors Coastal Eng. Div., San Francisco, Calif. Am Soc. Civ. Eng. 2: 874—887.
460. Mu r ty Т. S., and S. О. W і gen. 1975. Tsunami water levels and spectra for Peru. Newsl., Tsunami Inf. Cent. 8: 2—17.
461. Murty T. SM and S. 0. Wi gen. 1976. Tsunami behavior on the Atlantic coast of Canada and some similarities to the Peru coast. Proc. IUGG Symp. tsunamis and tsunami Res. Jan. 29 —Feb. 1, 1974. Wellington, N. Z., R. Soc. N. Z. Bull. 15: 51—60.
462. Mu sya K. 1934. On the luminous phenomena that accompanied the great Sanriku tsunami in 1933. Part I. Bull. Earthquake Res. Inst. Spec. 1: 87—111.
463. Mysak L. A. 1966. Continental shelf waves. Ph. D. Thesis. Harvard Univ., Cambridge, Mass. 69 p.
464. Mysak L. A. 1967a. On the theory of continental shelf waves. J. Mar. Res. 25: 205—227.
465. Mysak L. A. 1967b. On the very low frequency spectrum of the sea level on a continental shelf. J. Geophys. Res. 72: 3043—3047.
466. Mysak L. A. 1968a. Edge waves on a gently sloping continental shelf of finite width. J. Mar. Res. 26: 24—33.
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