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Сейсмические морские волны. Цунами - Мурти Т.С.

Мурти Т.С. Сейсмические морские волны. Цунами — Л.: ГИДРОМЕТЕОИЗДАТ, 1981. — 446 c.
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266. Ii da K- 1963c. On the estimation of tsunami energy, p. 167—173. In D. C. Cox [ed.] Proc. tsunami meetings associated 10th Рас. Sei, Congr., Honolulu, Hawaii. Union Geod. Geophys. Monogr. 24.
267. lid a K. 1970. The generation of tsunamis and the focal mechanism of earthquakes, p. 3—18. In W. M. Adams [ed.] Tsunamis in the Pacific Ocean. East West Center Press. Honolulu, Hawaii.
268. I і d a K., D. C Cox, and G. Pararas-Car ayannis. 1967. Preliminary catalog of tsunamis occurring in the Pacific Ocean. Univ. Hawaii, Inst. Geophys. Data Rep. 5 HIG-67-10.
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272. Ingram R. E. 1961. Generalized focal mechanism, p. 305—308. In J. H. Hodgson [ed.] Symposium on earthquake mechanism. Can. Dep. Mines Tech. Surv. Publ. 24.
273. Inman D. L., W. R. Gayman, and D. C Cox. 1963. Littoral sedimentary processes on Kauai, a subtropical high island. Рас. Sei. 17: 106.
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277. I s hi mot о M., and T. H a g і w a r a. 1934. The tsunami considered as a phenomenon of sea water overflowing the land. Bull. Earthquake Res. Inst. Suppl. 1: 17—24.
278. Isozaki I., and S. Unoki. 1964. The numerical computation of the tsunami in Tokyo Bay caused by the Chilean earthquake in May, 1960, p. 389—402. In K. Yoshida [ed.] Studies in oceanography. Univ. Washington Press, Seattle, Wash.
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