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Моделирование в картографии - Тикунов В.C.

Тикунов В.C. Моделирование в картографии: Учебник — M.: Изд-во МГУ, 1997. — 405 c.
ISBN 5-211-03346-9
Скачать (прямая ссылка): modelirov_kart.pdf
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Curtain perspectives in cartography are connected with possibilities of purposeful cartographic base transformation in order to represent at its background different geographic characteristics connected with it i.e. anamorphoses creation in their modern understanding. Linear and area anamorphoses are distinguished among anamorphotic images. Area anamorphoses (representations produced from traditional maps, in which a given density - of population, territorial distribution of incomes, consumption of certain products etc. - is represented) have been constructed and employed with particular emphasis. In these, the areas of the territorial units are represented proportionally to the values of the index, established on the basis of the anamorphosis.
Anamorphotic images should be distinguished from cartoids. Cartoids are ideal graphic images during creation of which existing spatial proportions are not considered. Anamorphoses creation in contrast to cartoides demands

use of initial cartographic images in their traditional forms which make a basement for further purposeful and substantial transformations.
Multi-variant approach at all stages of meaningfull aspects of maps contents modelling is important. Different information sources characterising a certain phenomenon may be used at the stage of information supply. It is especially important for characterising abstract concepts for example - level of social-economic development of different states. This characteristic does not consist of a fixed list of parameters because different researchers have different approaches in this respect. But there is no drought that it should exist and social-economic differences among states may be presented. Different schemes of initial data presentation may be used. They are processed using the same algorithm and presentation of modelling results at maps in order to make only information modelling supply responsible for reliability of final conclusions.
Another way of multi-variant approach is connected with a possibility to process one data array using different algorithms. In this case one should efficiently control that all algorithms reflect the gist of phenomena being modelled. It is also necessary to take into consideration accuracy of the received data after using different algorithms. It should be approximately the same which is important to receive the final joint result. Parallel use of several mathematical methods to receive one final variant becomes more and more popular, broad computer distribution and software modernisation benefit this process.
The third way of multi-variant approach is connected with a possibility to represent modelling results by means of different methods of cartographic representation. Maps «language» is so rich and flexible that inspite of many-centuries history of its use new and new variants of different phenomena representation at maps appear till now and this process by all means will continue in future. A certain advance in elaboration of new methods of representation is connected with automation. Technical means enable to use such methods which otherwise are very labour demanding and not effective. Variety of methods of modelling results representation gives an opportunity to choose a final variant which reflects the gist of a certain phenomenon best of all, is graphically obvious,

expedient for maps reproduction and multiplying technologies. Multi-variant approach, reflected in a passibility of parallel use of data bases, mathematical algorithms and methods of modelling results representation contribute to reliab?ity of the final result.
Graphical representation of systems is important for Earth sciences. Scanner and photographic images and other materials of remote sensing are used successfully for these purposes mainly for dynamics studies, for example human environmental impact. Sometimes they are used with cartographic and other materials. A necessity of rapid readjustment and recomposition of technical systems and more flexible use of their mathematical blocks to solve great variety of non-traditional tasks is now considered in automation of data representation which proved to be important in creation of uniform mass production. This is provided by a great spectrum of technical means used in cartography. Nowadays this spectrum becomes even broader for example due to slide-films and cartographic movies and videofilms. Animated cartoon use for modelling of dynamic situations of environmental pollution by industrial atmospheric emissions is of interest, as well as holography use for imitation of pollutants diffusion in atmosphere, hydrosphyre etc.

Учебное издание Тикунов Владимир Сергеевич МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЕ В КАРТОГРАФИИ
Зав. редакцией И. И. Щехура
Редактор L С. Савельева
Художественный редактор Л. В. Мухина
Переплет художника В. А. Чернецова
Технический редактор 5. С. Кондрашова
Корректоры: И. А. Мутников а, Н. М. Жидкова
ЛР№ 040414 от 18.04.97
Подписано к печати 9.08.95. Формат 60 х 90 yi6. Бумага офс. № 1. Усл. печ. л. 25,0. Уч.-изд. л. 23,75. Тираж 2000 экз. Заказ 2064. Изд. 5680
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