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Тренинг делового общения для менеджеров. Руководство по управлению кадрами - Роббинз С.

Роббинз С. , Хансейкер Ф.Л. Тренинг делового общения для менеджеров. Руководство по управлению кадрами — М. : Вильямс, 2007. — 464 c.
ISBN 978-5-8459-1213-8
Скачать (прямая ссылка): treningdelovogoobshen2007.djvu
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3. Cummings L. L. Reflections on Management Education and Development: Drift or Thrust Into the 21st Century? // The Academy of Management Review. — Vol. 15, No. 4. - 1990. - P. 694-696.

4. Accreditation Research Project: Report on Phase I //AACSB Bulletin. — Winter 1980. — P. 1-46.

5. Morse J. J. and Wagner F. R. Measuring the Process of Managerial Effectiveness // Academy of Management Journal. — March 1978. — P. 23-35.

6. Miner J. B. and Smith N. R. Decline and Stabilization of Managerial Motivation over a 20-Year Period // Journal of Applied Psychology. - June 1982. - P. 297-305.

7. Katz R. L. Skills of an Effective Administrator // Harvard Business Review. - September-October 1974. - P. 90-102.

8. Pavett С. M. and Lau A. W. Managerial Work: The Influence of Hierarchical Level and Functional Specialty // Academy of Management Journal. — March 1983. — P. 170-177.

9. Pavett С. M. and Lau A. W. Managerial Work: The Influence of Hierarchical Level and Functional Specialty // Ibid. - P. 170-177. \
















33 ЧАСТЬ I. Самоанализ

Bowen D. D. Developing a Personal Theory of Experiential Learning // Simulation & Games. - Vol. 18, No. 2. - 1987. - P. 192-206.

Outcome Measurement Project of the Accreditation Research Committee, Phase II: An Interim Report. — American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business (December 1984); Outcome Measurement Project: Phase III Report — American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business (May 1987); The Cultivation of Tomorrow's Leaders: Industry's Fundamental Challenge to Management Education // Newsline. — Vol. 23, No. 3. — 1993. — P. 1—3; Boyatzis R. E. The Competent Manager: A Model for Effective Performance. — New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1982; Clark H. B., Wood R., Kuchnel T., Flanagan S., Mosk M. and Northrup J. T. Preliminary Validation and Training of Supervisory Interactional Skills // Journal of Organizational Behavior Management. — Spring/Summer 1985. — P. 95-115; Levine H. Z. Supervisory Training // Personnel. - November-December 1982. -P. 4—12; Lewis B. D., Jr. The Supervisor in 1975 // Personnel Journal. — September 1973. — P. 815-818; Porras J. and Anderson B. Improving Managerial EffectivenessThrough Modeling-Based Training // Organizational Dynamics. — Spring 1981. — P. 60-77. Porter L. W. Teaching Managerial Competencies: An Overview // Exchange: The Organizational Behavior Teaching Journal. — Vol 8, No. 2. - 1983. — P. 8-9. Fiedler F. E. A Theory of Leadership Effectiveness. — New York : McGraw-Hill, 1967. Burke M.J. and Day R. R. A Cumulative Study of the Effectiveness of Management Training // Journal of Applied Psychology. - May 1986. - P. 232-245. Dunham Randall B. Organizational Behavior: People and Processes in Management (Homewood, 111: Richard D. Irwin, 1984); Osland J. S., Kolb D. A. and Rubin I. M. Organizational Behavior: An Experiential Approach, 7th ed. — Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall, 2001, p. 11-26.

Outcome Measurement Project of the Accreditation Research Committee, Phase II: An Interim Report. — American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business, December 1984. Boyatzis R. E. The Competent Manager: A Model for Effective Performance. — New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1982, p. 33.

Johnson D. W. and Johnson F. P. Joining Together: Group Theory and Group Skills, 5th ed. — Boston : Allyn and Bacon, 1994.

Kolb D. A. Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development. -Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Prentice Hall, 1984.

Bandura A. Social Learning Theory. — Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Prentice Hall, 1977. Latham G. P. and Saari L. M. Application of Social Learning Theory to Training Supervisors Through Behavioral Modeling // Journal of Applied Psychology. — June 1979b. — P. 239—246; Manz С. C. and Sims H. P., Jr. Vicarious Learning: The Influence of Modeling on Organizational Behavior// Academy of Management Review. - January 1981. - P. 105-113; Decker P. J. The Enhancement of Behavioral Modeling Training of Supervisory Skills by the Inclusion of Retention Processes // Personnel Psychology. — Summer 1982. — P. 323—332; Clark H. B., Wood R., Kuchnel T., Flanagan S., Mosk M. and Northrup J. T. Preliminary Validation and Training of Supervisory Interactional Skills // Journal of Organizational Behavior Management. — Spring/Summer 1985. — P. 95-115. Rogers C. R. On Becoming a Person. — Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 1961. Miller G. A. The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information // The Psychological Review. — March 1956. — P. 81-97. Outcome Measurement Project of the Accreditation Research Committee, Phase II: An Interim Report — American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business, December 1984; Verderber K. S. and Verderber R. F. Inter-Act: Using Interpersonal Communication Skills, 4th ed. - Belmont, CA : Wadsworth, 1986. ГЛАВА

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