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Нестационарный теплообмен - Кошкин В.К.

Кошкин В.К., Калинин Э.К., Дрейцер Г.А., Ярхо С.А. Нестационарный теплообмен — М.: Машиностроение, 1973. — 328 c.
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p. 1187—1202.
139. Patankar S. V., Spalding D. B. Heat and mass transfer in boundary layers. Int. Journal Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 10. 1967, N 10, p. 1389—1411.
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141. Polomik E. E., Levy S., Sawochka S. G. Film boiling of steam—water
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144. Rohsenow W. М., Clark I. A. A study of the mechanism of boiling heat transfer. Trans. ASME, 1951, 73, p. 609—620.
145. Rohsenow W. M. A method of correlating heat transfer data for surface toiling of liquids. Trans. ASME, 1952, 74, p. 969—975.
146. Rohsenow W. М., Griffith P. Correlation of maximum heat flux data
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149. Sakurai A., Mizukami K-, Shiotsu M. Experimental studies on transient boiling heat transfer and burnaut. Heat Transfer, 1970, IV Intern. Heat Transfer Conference, Paris—Versalles 1970, vol. 5, В 3.4.
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p. 1627—1639.
153. Soliman М., Johnson H. A. Transient heat transfer for turbulent flow over flat plate of appreciable thermal capacity and containing time—dependent heat sourse. Trans ASME, ser. C, Journal of Heat Transfer, 1967, 89, N 4.
154. Soliman М., Johnson H. A. Transient heat transfer for forced convection flow over a flat plate of appreciable thermal capacity and containing an exponential time—dependent heat source. Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 11. 1968, N 1, p. 27—38.
155. Sparrow E. М., Siegel R. Unsteady turbulent heat transfer in tubes. Trans ASME, ser. C, Journal of Heat Transfer. Vol. 82, 1960, N 3, p. 170—180.
156. Sparrow E. М., Hagi-Sheikh A., Lundgren Z. S. The inverse problem in transient heat conduction. ASME Paper, N 64—АРМ—10, 1964, Trans ASME,
1964, p. 369—375.
157. Stein R. P. Engineering relationships for turbulent forced convection heat transfer in ducts with flux transients. Report of Engineering and Technology Division Argonne National Laboratory. Argonne, Illinois. ANL—7754, November 2, 1970, 39 p.
158. Stewartson K. The theory of unsteady laminar boundary layers. Advances in Applied Mechanics, New York—London, 1960. Vol. 6, p. 1—37.
159. Stolz G. Numerical solutions to an inverse problem of heat conduction
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160. Subbotin V. 1., Sorokin D. N., Tsiganok A. A. Some problemes on pool boiling heat transfer. Heat Transfer 1970, IV Intern. Heat Transfer Conference, Paris—Versailles. Vol. 5, В 1.9. 1970.
161. Swenson H. S., Carven J. R. Transaction ASME, 1962, N 4.
162. Tachibana Fujio, Akiyama Mamora, Kamamura Hiroshi. Non—hydro-dynamic acspects of pool boiling burnout. «J. Nucl. Sci. and Technol.». Vol. 4.
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163. Talmor F. Effect of pressure gradient on sonic—point heat transfer. «Papers JSME Semi—International Symposium. Heat and Mass Transfer». Tokyo. Vol. 1, 1967, p. 171 — 180.
164. Tippetts F. E. Trans ASME, Ser. C, 1964, 12, 86.
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166. Von Glahn G. H. A correlation of film—boiling heat transfer coefficients obteined with hydrogen, nitrogen and freon—113 in forced flow. NASA TND—2294, 1964.
167. Walters* H. H. Single—tube heat transfer tests with liquid hydrogen. Adv. in Gryog. Eng. Vol. 6, 1961.
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169. Yang W. J., Ou I. W. «Unsteady forced convection of the entrance region of closed conduits due to arbitrary remevariant inlet velocity». Papers of JSME Semi—International Symposium, Heat and Mass Transfer, Tokyo. Vol. 1,
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170. Zaric Z. Turbulent heat transfer in a divergent—cenvergent channel. «Papers JSME Semi—International Symposium, Heat and Mass Transfer», Tokyo. Vol. 1, 1967, p. 161—170.
171. Zuber N. The dynamics of vapor bubbles in nonuniform temperature fields. Int. Journal Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 2, 1961, 83.
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