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Экономические методы управления частным сектором - Хасан А.А.

Хасан А.А. Экономические методы управления частным сектором — Кишинев, 2005. — 168 c.
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For instance, by dividing the integral market mechanism management in some separate fragments (financial resources market, working force market, wares market, services etc.) have been examined accordingly the present state and elaborated directions to improve the management systems based on economic action methods.

As a basic method in stimulating active private business development are recommended a large number of models to create adequate social and economic conditions for creation, consolidation and dynamic development of the private enterprise, attractive investment climate and developed credit source market.

A special attention is given to the state participation in setting up and steady functioning of the working force market and land market. It is mentioned the fact that in

148 the present the working resources market stability in Moldova an Jordan is ensured most of all due to working force export, usually unpredictable and chaotic. Afterwards the state implication upon working force market should be directed in establishing a favorable legislative framework, sign agreements with countries which receive working force.

A basic component of the proposed complex of economic methods can be recalled the restoring processes of planning the private units business activities, firstly business-plans as well monitoring the results.

The results implementation will improve essentially the management system of the private business, will adjust positively to the globalization economic activity process and grow efficiency in accordance with modern requirements of the market economy.

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