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Современный стратегический анализ: 5-е издание - Грант Р.М.

Грант Р.М. Современный стратегический анализ: 5-е издание — СПб.: Питер, 2008. — 560 c.
ISBN 978-5-469-01303-7
Скачать (прямая ссылка): sovr-strat-analiz.djvu
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7 Robin Wensley, «PIMS and BCG: New Horizons or False Dawn?*, Strategic Management Journal 3 (1982): 147-58.

8 Если быть точными, то экономия за счет амортизации расходов на разработку товаров является экономией за счет объема, а не экономией на масштабе. Удельные издержки разработки единицы продукции зависят от общего объема производства в течение всего периода существования той или иной модели.

9 Этот аргумент был впервые приведен в работе: David Schwartzman, « Uncertainty and the Size of the Firm», Economica (August 1963).

10 Joe Bower, «Crown Cork & Seal and the Metal Container Industry», Case 9-373-077 (Boston: Harvard Business School, 1984).

11 Maryann Keller, Collision (New York: Doubleday, 1993): 173-177.

12 Leonard Rapping, «Learning and World War II Production Functions», Review of Economics and Statistics (February 1965): 81-86. См. также: Kim B. Clark and Robert H. Hayes, «Recapturing America's Manufacturing Heritage*, California Management Review (Summer 1988): 25.

13 «Exploiting the Flat Screen Frenzy*, Forbes.com (December 12, 2003, http:// www.forbes.com/business/manufacturing/ 2003/12/12/cz_bf_1211tv. html); «Japan Watches Display Market Go Fiat», RedHerring.com (January 10, 2001).

14 Robert H. Hayes and Ramchandran Jaikumar, «Manufacturing's Crisis: New Technologies, Obsolete Organizations*, Harvard Business Review (September-October 1988): 85; and Robert M. Grant, A. B. Shani, R. Krishnan, and R. Baer, «Appropriate Manu-

facturing Technology: A Strategic Approach*, Sloan Management Review 33, no. 1 (Fall 1991): 43-54.

15 Maryann Keller, op. cit.: 169-171.

16 Ramchandran Jaikumar, «Postindustrial Manufacturing*, Harvard Business Review (November-December 1986): 69-76.

17 James Womack and Dan T.Jones, «From Lean Production to Lean Enterprise», Harvard Business Review (March-April 1994); James Womack and Dan T.Jones, «Beyond Toyota: How to Root Out Waste and Pursue Perfection*, Harvard Business Review (September-October 1996).

18 Robert M. Grant, «Harley-Davidson Inc., January 2001», in R. M. Grant and K. E. Neupert (eds), Cases in Contemporary Strategy Analysis, 3rd edn (Oxford: Blackwell, 2003).

19 Michael Hammer and James Champy, Re-engineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution (New York: HarperBusiness, 1993): 32. See also Michael Hammer, Beyond Reengineering: How the Processed Centered Organization Is Changing our Work and our Lives (New York: HarperBusiness, 1996).

20 Michael Hammer, «Reengineering Work: Don't Automate, Obliterate*, Harvard Business Review (July-August 1990).

21 Ralph E. Gomory, «From the Ladder of Science to the Product Development Cycle*, Harvard Business Review (November-December 1989): 103.

22 Jim Billington, «Listening to Overcapacity — Lessons from the Auto and Health Care Industries», Harvard Management Update (Boston: Harvard Business School, 1998, Reprint # U98068).

23 International Labor Organization (http:// www.ilo.org/public/english/bureau/stat/).

24 См.: Robert M. Grant,« Manufacturer-Retailer Relations: The Shifting Balance of Power», in G.Johnson (ed.), Retailing and Business Strategy (New York: John Wiley, 1987).

25 R. Cyert and J. March, A Behavioral Theory of the Firm (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1963).

26 H. Leibenstein, «Allocative Efficiency Versus X-Efficiency», American Economic Review 54 (June 1966).

27 «Nissan on the Road to Recovery», Financial Times (October 4, 2000): 17.

28 Системам учета затрат, основанным на деятельности, посвящена работа: Robert S. Kaplan and Robin Cooper, Cost and Effect: Using Integrated Cost Systems to Drive Profitability and Performance (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1997); Jim Billington, «The ABCs of ABC: Activity-based Costing and Management», Harvard Management Update (Boston: Harvard Business School Publishing, May 1999).

29 Robert H. Hayes, Steven C. Wheelwright, and Kim B. Clark, Dynamic Manufacturing: Creating the Learning Organization (New York: Free Press, 1988).

30 David A. Garvin, Managing Quality: The Strategic and Competitive Edge (New York: Free Press, 1988).


1 Michael E. Porter, Competitive Advantage (New York: Free Press, 1985): 120.

2 Tom Peters, Thriving on Chaos (New York: Knopf, 1987): 56.

3 Ibid.: 185.

4 Эти различия подробно рассмотрены в работе: Peter R. Dickson and James L. Ginter, «Market Segmentation, Product Differentiation and Marketing Strategy»Journal of Marketing 51 (April 1987): 1-10.

5 См.: S. Schiffman, M. Reynolds, and F. Young, Introduction to Multidimensional Scaling: Theory, Methods, and Applications (Cambridge, MA: Academic Press, 1981).

6 F.-J. Lapointe and P. Legendre, «A Classification of Pure Malt Scotch Whiskies», Applied Statistics 43 (1994): 237-257. Принципы многофакторных шкал изложе-

ны в работе: I. Borg and P. Groenen, Modem Multidimensional Scaling: Theory and Application (Springer Verlag, 1997).

См.: P. Cattin and D. R. Wittink, ^Commercial Use of Conjoint Analysis: A Survey*, Journal of Marketing (Summer 1982): 44-53.
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