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Промышленная очистка газов - Страус В.

Страус В. Промышленная очистка газов — М.: Химия, 1981. — 616 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): promishlennaya1981.djvu
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240. Engelbrecht H. L. — J. Air Pollut. Control Ass., 15 (2), 43 (1965).

241. Engelhard Industries, Baker Platinum Division Data Sheet.

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246. Ettre L. S.—J. Air Pollut. Control S Ass., 11, 34 (1961).

247. Fahnoe F., Lindroos A. E., Abelson R. I. — Ind. Engng Chem., 43, 1335


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253. Faxen H. — Ann. Phys., 68, 89 (1922). This is the corrected version of this equation as given by Faxen (1964) and quoted by Happel and Brenner (ref. 337, p. 327, eqn. 7-4.27).

254. Faxen H., quoted by Hawksley, P. G. W., B.C.U.R.A. Bull. 15, 105 (1951).

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257. Field J. H., Bienstock D., Myers I. G. (a) Process Development in removing sulphur dioxide from hot flue gases, Pt. I — Bench scale experiments, U. S. Bur. Mines, Report of Investigation 5735 (1961), (b) Pt. II (with Kurtz-rock, R. C.) U. S. Bur. Mines, Report of Investigation 6037 (1963), (c) Pt. Ill, U. S. Bur. Mines, Report of Investigation 7021 (1967).

258. First M. W. — Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs, Preprint 49-A-27, Paper read at Am. Soc. Mech. Engrs Conference, Nov. (1949).

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260. First M. W., Moschella R., Silverman L., Berly E. — Ind. Engng Chem., 43, 1363 (1951).

261. Fleming E. P., Fitt Т. C. — Ind. Engng Chem., 42, 2252 (1950).

262. Fohl T., Optimization of flow for forcing stack wastes to high altitudes, Air Pollut. Control Ass., 60th Ann. Meeting, Cleveland, paper 67—66, Ilth — 16th June (1967).

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264. Fontein F. J., Cyclones in Industry, Ed. Rietema K. and Verver C. G., p. 118, Elsevier1Amsterdam (1961).

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267. Foster W. W. — Brit. J. AppI. Phys., 10, 206 (1959).

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269. Francis A. W. — Physics, 4, 403 (1933).'

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274. Friedlander S. K-, Univ. Illinois Engng Expt. Station, Tech. Report № 13


275. Friedlander S. K. — A.J.Ch.E. J., 3, 43 (1957); Ind. Engng Chem., 50, 1161


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282. Friedrichs K- H. — Staub Reinhalt. Luft, 26, 240 (1966).

283. Friedrichs K. H. — Staub Reinhalt. Luft, 28, 193 (1968).

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285. Fuchs N. A., Mechanics of Aerosols, Revised Ed., trans. Ed. Davies, C. N., Pergamon Press (1964).

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295. Gelman Instrument Company, P. O. Box 1448, Ann-Arbor, Mich 48106, U. S. A.

296. Giammarkо G., Italian Pat. Nos 537, 564 (1955), 560, 161 (1956) and 565, 320
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