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Бориды - Самсонов Г.В.

Самсонов Г.В., Серебрякова Т.И., Неронов В.А. Бориды — M.: Атомиздат, 1975. — 376 c.
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828. Matkovich V. I., Economy I. Abstract E12. Am. Cryst. Assoc. Winter Meeting, 1967 and Abstract Ell. Am. Cryst. Assoc. Summer Meeting, 1968.
829. Matkovich V. 1., Economy I. On Predictive Nature of B12 Polyhedral Borides,—«Electron Technology», 1970, v. 3, p. 167.
830. Matterson K. J., Jones H. A study of the Tetraborides of Uranium and Thorium—«British Ceramic Society, Transactions*, 1961, V.60, p.475—491.
831. Mattias В. T., Andres K.» Geballe Т. H. Superconductivity and Antiferro-magnetism in Boron Rich Lattices. — «Science», 1968, v. 159, No. 3822.
832. Marion S. M. Preparation des Borures de Nickel par Electrolyse Ignee.— «Bull. Soc. Chim. France», 1957, v. 23, No. 4, p. 522—525.
833. Mavel G. e. a. Esca Surface Study of Metal Borides. — «Surface science*, 1973, v. 35, p. 109—116.
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835. Mc Donald B. J., Stuart W. I. The Crystal Structures of Some Plutonium Borides. —«Acta cryst.», 1960, v. 13, p. 447, 448.
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837. Medvedeva Z. S. e. a. Die anwendung der Methode der Chemischen Transportreaktion zur Zuchtung von Borphosphid — Einkristallen. — «Kristall und Techn.», 1967, Bd 2, No.-4, S. 523—534.
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841. Mercurio J. P. e. a. Specific Heats of some Hexaborides of tipe CaB8.— «Compt. rend. Acad. sei. colon.», 1969, v. 268, p. 1766.
842. Mierzejewska S.» NfFrnyski Т. Preparation of' Crystalline Boron Carbide by vapour Pha;s"e Reaction. — «J. Less-Сотглод..- Metals», 1965, v. 8, No. 6, p. 368--'374; Otrymyvtfarue krystalicznego wedlika bory z fazy ga-zowey. — «PgtegL Electron.*,.'1966, v. 7, No/4, p. 187—190.
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344.'Motssah, H-. Etude des phosphoi'dures de bore. — «Compt. rend. Acad. sei. Соїоп>, 1891, V. 113, p. 624; Preparation et proprietes des phosphures de "bore.-^Ibid.^p. 726. . . і
845. MoissanH. Preparation du bore amorphe. — Ibid., 1892, v. 114, n. 392.
846. Moissan'H. Preparation et proprietes du borure de fer. — ibid., 1895, V.'120, p.'173. , ,
847. Moissan H. Preparation et proprietes du borure de carbone. — Ibid., 1894, v. 118, p/5"56.
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850. Tftoowsy R., Welch A. The 'Crystal Structure of Rh2B. -b- «Acta cryst.», 1954, V. p. 49.
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"852. Mori N. Calculation of Paramagnetic Susceptibilities for Ni, Pd and Pt Metals. —«J. Phys. Soc. Japan», 1968, v. 25, No. 1, p. 72—76. , ,.
853. Moskowitz D. New Vanadium boride of the Composition V3Bi — «J. Metals», 1956, v. 8, No. 10, p. 1325.
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855. Mueller K-, Mer L. W. Untersuchungen an einigth in der Halbleitertechnik verwendeten Edelmetall — Legierungen.—«Electrotechn. Zeitschrift», 1959, Bd 80, No. 15, S. 515—518.
856. Myers С. E. Heat of Dissociation of Boron Phosphide, BP. — «J. Phys. Chem», 1961, v. 65, No. II, p. 2111, 2112.
857. NarWa Kenjl, Sasaki Tadoshi, Seteguchy Yoshinori. Composition ranges with similar constricted hysteresis loops in Mn-Al—B alloys. — «J. Appl. Phys. Japan», 1970, v 9, No. 12, p. 1536.
858. Nasini M., Redaelly G. A Method of Preparation of LaB6 Cathodes. «Apparatus for the Scientific Investigation*, 1971, No 12, p. 13—15.
859. Naslain R., Etourneau I. L'hexaborure de Potassium, — «Compt. rend. Acad. sci.», 1966, v. 263, p. 484.
860. Naslain R. Preparation de bore pur sous les formes rhomoedriques a et ? Les borures alcalins. Theses No 188, Docteures Sciences Physiques, Paris. 1967.
861. Naslain R., Kasper J. The Crystal Structure of Ф-phase in B-Na System. —«J. Solid Stat. Chem.», 1970, v. 1, p. 150.
862. Nemnonov S. A. Study of the Electronic Structure and Interatomic Bonds in Some Compounds and Binary Alloys by the Method of X-Ray Spectroscopy. — «Trans. Met. Soc. AIME», 1969, v. 245, No. 6, p. 1191.
863. Nemoshkalenko V. V., Mindlina M. A., Matko B. P. X-Ray Spectra and Electronic Structure of Elements at the End of the First Lond Period from 29Cu to 31Se. —«Phys. Stat. Solidi.», 1968, v. 30, No. 12, p. 703; «Phys. Letters», 1969, v. 30A, p. 44.
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