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Бориды - Самсонов Г.В.

Самсонов Г.В., Серебрякова Т.И., Неронов В.А. Бориды — M.: Атомиздат, 1975. — 376 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): boridi1975.djvu
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790. La Placa S., Post B. The Boron Carbide Structure Type. — «Planseeber.— Pulvermeb, 1961, v. 9, No. 1—2, p. 109—112.
791. La Placa S., Post B. The Crystal Structure of Rhenium Diboride ReB2.— «Acta cryst.», 1962, v. 15, p. 97.
792. La Placa S., Noonan D. Ytterbium and Terbium Dodecaborides. — «Acta cryst.», 1963, v. 16, pt. 11, p. 1182.
793. Laubitz M. I., Van der Meer. The Thermal Conductivity of Platilu between 300 and 1000° K- — «Canad. J. Phys.», 1966, v. 44, No. 12, p. 3173—3185.
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795. Lebeau P. Sur quelques proprietes de la glucine pure. — «Compt. rend. Acad. sei. colon.», 1896, v. 123, p. 818.
796. Lebugle A., Montel G. Sur les differents processus d'oxydation du dibo-rure de Zirconium — «Compt. rend. Acad. sei. colon.», 1972, v. 274, No. 17, p. 1519.
797. Lee K- N., Bell B. Exchange Interactions and Fluctuations in CeB«. — «Phys. Rev. Solid. State», 1972, v. 6, No. 3, p. 1032—1040.
798. Legrand E. Neutron Diffraction Study of MnB2. — «Solid State Com.», 1972, v. 10, No. 9, p. 883—885.
793L Lehrer W. H. —«Trans, of Metallurg. AIME», 1959, v. 215, p. 168.
800. Leitnaker J. M., Bowman M. G., Gllles P. W. High— Temperature Phase Studies in the Tantalum — Boron System between Ta and TaB. — «J. Electrochem. Soc», 1961, v. 108, No. 6, p. 568—572.
801. Leitnaker J. M., Bowman M. G. Thermodynamic Properties of the Tantalum and Tungsten Borides. — «J. Electrochem. Soc», 1962, v. 109, No. 5, p. 441—444.
802. Lihl F., Jenitschek P. Uber den Zerfall des hexagonalen Aluminiumborids AlB2. — «Z. Metallkunde», 1953, Bd 44, No. 9, S. 414—417.
803. Lihl F., Feichl О. Herstellung und Konstitution von Kupfer—Bor—Legierungen. — «Metall», 1954, Bd 8, No. 1/2, S. 11—19.
804. Lipp A., Roder M. Verbindrugen im System В—C—Si und B—Si.—«Z, anorgan. und allgem. Chem.», 1966, Bd 344, No. 5—6, S. 225—229.
805. Lipscomb W. N., Britton D. Valence Structure of the Higher Borides.-« «J. Chem. Phys.», 1960, v. 33, p. 275.
806. Longuet — Higgins H. C1 Roberts M. The Electronic Structure of the Borides MeB8. — «Proc Roy. Soc», 1954, v. A. 224, p. 336—341.
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808. Lemlus B. Resonance ferromagnetique nucleare pulse dans CosB et Co2B. — «Compt. rend. Acad. sei. colon.*, v. 277, Serie В—111—113, 1973.
809. Lundin C Rare Earth Metal Phase Diagrams «Rare Earth Symposium». Annal. Meeting Amer. Soc. Metals, Chicago, 1959.
810. Lundqvist N., Meyer H., Westin R. The Paramagnetic Properties of the Monoborides of V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co and Ni. — «Phil. Mag.», 1962, v. 7, No. 79, p. 1187—1189.
811. Lundstrom Т. Properties Thermodinamiques et structurales des derives semi — metalliques. — «Cumpt. rend. Acad. sei. colon.*, 1967, v. 157, p. 91.
812. Lundstrom Т. The Structure of Ru2B3 and WB2 as determined by Single-Crystal Diffractometry and some Notes on the W-B System. — «Arkiv. Кеші», 1968, v. 30, p. 115.
813. Lundstrom Т. The Crystal Structure of Hf3Pj. —«Acta chem. scand.», 1968. v. 22, No. 7, p. 2191—2199.
814. Lundstrom Т. Preparation and Crystal Chemistry of some refractory Borides and Phosphides.— «Arkiv. Кеші», 1969, v. 31, p. 227—266.
815. Lundstrom Т. Structural Studies of the Solid Solubility of Transition Metals in ?-Rhombohedral Boron. UUJC-B18—17. Uppsala University Institute of Chemistry, 1972; «J. Less-Common. Met.», 1970, v. 22, p. 317.
816. Lundstrom Т., Rosenberg 1. The Crystal Structure of the Molybdenum Boride Mo1-XB9. —«J. Solid State Chem.», 1973, v. 6, No. 2, p. 299—305.
8Д7. Lye R, G. Electronic Energy Bond Structure of Titanium Carbide.— «Colloq. Internat. Centre Nat. Rech. Scient», 1967, v, 157, p. 207—214.
818. Maire J., Slonina J.-P., Scherer A, Agglommere de carbure de bore. Pat. France N 1568883 (21.04.69).
819. Marcantonio I. A., Mondolfo U F. The Nucleation of Aluminium by Several Intermetallic Compounds. — «J. Inst. Metals», 1970, v. 98, p. 23-^-27.
820. Matkovich V. I., Economy I. Structure of MgAlB14 and a Brief Criticjue of Structural Belation-ships in Higher Borides.«Acta cryst.», 1970, v. B26, No. 5, p. 616—621.
821r Matkovich V. I. A new form of Boron Silicide, B4Si. — «Acta cryst.»,
1960, v. 13, No. 8, p, 679—680.
822. Matkovich V. I. Interstitial Compounds of Boron.—«J. Amer. Chem. Soc»,
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823. Matkovich V. I. Unit Cell, Space Group and Composition of a Lower Boron Phosphide. — «Acta cryst.», 1961, v. 14, No. 1, p. 93.
824. Matkovich V. I., Economy I., Giese R. F. In Presence of Carbon in Aluminum Borides. — «J. Amer. Chem. Soc», 1964, v. 86, No. 12, p. 2337—2340.
825. Matkovich V. I. e. a. Packing of Bi2 Groups in Boron and Boride Structures.—«Z. Kristallogr.», 1965, Bd 122, No 1—2, S. 116—130.
826. Matkovich V. I., Giese R. F., Economy I. Phases and Twinning in C2Al3B48 (beta AlB12). —Ibid., 1965, Bd 122, No. 1, 2, S. 108—115.
827. Matkovich V. I. e. a. The Structure of Metallic Dodecaborides. т— «Acta cryst.», 1965, v. 19, pt 6, p. 1056—1058.
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