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Бориды - Самсонов Г.В.

Самсонов Г.В., Серебрякова Т.И., Неронов В.А. Бориды — M.: Атомиздат, 1975. — 376 c.
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540. Andersson S., Lundstrom Т. The Crystal Structure of CrB4.— «Ibid., 1968, v. 22, p. 3103—3110.
54H Andersson S. The Notes of the Crystal Structure of MnB4,—Ibid., 1969, v. 23, p. 687.
542. Andersson S., Lundstrom T, The Solubility of Cromium in ?-Rhombohed-ral Boron as Determined in СГВ41 by Single-Crystal Diffractometry.— «J. Solid Stat. Chem.», 1970, v. 2, p. 603—611.
543. Andersson S., Karlsson J. The Crystal Structure of MnB4. — «Acta chem. scand.», 1970, v. 24^N 5, p. 1791—1794.
544. Andrieux J. L., Wiejss G- Preparation des composes du molybdene et du iungstene par electrolyse ignee. — «Bul. SoC Chim. France», 1948, v. 15, N 5—6, p. 598—601. „
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547. Armas В., Trombe F. Depots en phase vapeur, sur «front chaud solaire, de borures de molybdene et de tungstene par decomposition thermique de melages d'halogenures, — Ibid., 1971, v. 272, p. 286, Serie C
548. Armas В., Trombe L. Depots chimiques eu phase gaseuse de borures de niobium et de tantal. — Ibid., 1972, v. 274, N 12, p. 1134.
549. Armington Alton F. Vapor Transport of Boron, Boron Phosphide and Boron Arsenide. — «Cryst. Qrowth», 1967, v. I, N I, p. 47, 48.
550. Armington A. F., Bufford, I., Rising I. Preparation and Properties of B13P2 and B13AS2 (Intern. Symposium of Boron. Abstracts of papers, October 1972, Tbilisi, USSR).
551. Aronsson B., Aselius J. The Effect of Boron on the Formation of (T-FeCr at 700° C — «Acta chem. scand.», 1958, V. 12, N 7, p. 1476—1480.
552. Aronsson B., Lundgren G. X-Ray Investigation on Me—Si—B Systems (Me—Mn, Fe, Co). I. Some Features of the Co—Si—B and Fe—Si—B Systems. — «Acta chem. scand.», 1959, v. 13, N 3, p. 433—441.
553. Aronsson B. The Crystal Structure of RU7B3. — «Acta chem. scand.», 1959, v. 13, N I, p. 109—114.
554. Aronsson B., Stenberg E., Aselius J. Borides of Rhenium and the Platinum Metals. —Ibid., 1960, v. 14, p. 733.
555. Aronsson B., Engstrom I. X-Ray Investigations on Me—Si—B Systems (Me Mn, Fe, Co). II. Some Features of the Fe—Si—B and Mn—Si—B Systems. — «Acta chem. scand.», I960, v. 14, p. 1403—1413.
556 Aronsson B., Backman M., Rundqvist S. The Crystal Structure of Re3B.— «Acta chem. scand.», 1960, v. 14, N 5, p. 1001.
557. Aronsson B A Note on the Compositions and Crystal Structures of MnB-,, Mn3Si, Mn5Si3 and FeSi2. — Ibid., 1960, v. 14, N 6, p. 1414—1423.
558. Aronsson B. Borides and Silicides of the Transition Metals. — «Arkiv kemi», 1961, Bd 16, N 36, S. 379.
559 Aronsson В., Rundqvist S. Structural Features of some Phases Related to ' Cementite. — «Acta cryst.», 1962, v. 15, N 9, p. 878—887.
560. Aronsson B. The Crystal Structure of RuB2, OsB2 and IrBi,35 and some General Comments on the Crystal Chemistrv of Borides in the Composition Range MeB-MeB3. — «Acta chem. scand.», 1963, v. 17, N 7, p. 2036.
561. Aronsson В., Lundstrom Т., Rundqvist S. Borides, Silicides and Phosphides. Methuen. London, 1965.
562. Aselius J. The Crystal Structure of RunB8. —«Acta ehem. scand.», I960, v. 14, N 10, p. 2169—2196.
563. Ashbee К. H. G., DuBose. С. К. H. Dislocation Models in Boron Carbide with Spesial Reference to Non-stoichiometry.—«Acta metallurgical 1972, v. 20, N 2, p. 241—245.
664. Atkins A. G., Tabor D. Hardness and Deformation Properties of Solids at Very High Temperatures. — «Proc. Roy Soc», 1966, v. A292, N 1431, p. 441—459.
565. Austin A. E. X-Rav Diffraction Data for Compounds in Systems Li2O-SiO2 and BaO-SiO2. — «J. Amer. Ceram. Soc», 1947, v. 30, N 7, p. 218, 219.
566. Ayel M. et Etienne Racotomaria. Sur la morphologie des couches de diffusion des surface metallique phase gazeuse. — «Compt. rend.», 1971, v. 273, p. 1332.
567. Buenren F. D., Thiimmler F., Vollath D. Die kinetik der Bilding von Bo-riden der Molybdan, Wolfram und Rhenium aus Bornitrid Metallpulvergemischen. — «J. Less-Common Met.», 1969, v. 18, N 3, p. 295—304.
568. Baddery J. H., Welch A. J. Borides and Silicides of the Platinum Metals. — «Nature», 1951, v. 167, N 4244, p. 362.
569. Bakish R., Gellas C A. Vapor Phase Metallurgy and Ceramices.—«Metals», 1962, v. 14, N 10, p. 770.
570. Barnes R. G., Creel R. B., Torgeson D. R. Evidence for Localised Character of Electronic Structure in Vanadium Borides from V51 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. —«Solid State Comm.», 1970, v. 8, p.1411—1414; «Phys. Letters», 1969, v. A29, N 4, p. 203.
571. Barnes R. G. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in the Diborides of Scandium and Yttrium. — «J. Chem. Phys.», 1971, v. 53, N 9, p. 3762.
572. Barton L., Nicholls D. The hydrogenation of boron monoxide to diborane and the reactions of Boron and boron carbide with titanium and zirconium- dioxides. — «J. Inorg. and Nucl. Chem.», 1966, v. 28, N 6/7, p. 1367—1372.
573. Ban Z., Sicirica M. New Nucl. Mater. Including Non-Metal Fuels. Proc. Conf. Praque, 1963, v. 2, p. 175.
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