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Справочник по газовой хроматографии - Коцев Н.

Коцев Н. Справочник по газовой хроматографии — М.: Мир, 1976. — 199 c.
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9. Cramers C. A., Some Problems Encounted in High Resolution Gas Chromatography. Thesis, Technisehe Hogeschool, Eindhoven, 1967.
10. Dimick K. P., G. C. Preparative Separations, Varian Aerograph, Walnut Greek, California, 1966.
11. Eik-Nes К. B., Horning E. C-, Gas Phase Chromatography of Steroids,- Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1968.
12. Eftre L. S., Open Tubular Columns in Gas Chromtography,
Plenum Press, New York, 1965. -
13. Ettre L. S., Zlatkis A., The Praktice of Gas Chromatography, Interscience, New York, 1967.
14. Gas Chromatography Abstract Cards, The Preston Technical Abstracts Co., 1718 Sherman Avenue, Evanston Illinois.
15. Gehrke C. W., Roach D., Zumwalt R. W., Stalling D. L., Wale L. L., Quaniatlve Gas Liquid Chromatography of Amino Acids in Pmteins and Biological Substances, Columbia- (Miss),
16. Giddings J, C., Dynamics of Chromatography, Part 1, Principles and Theory,'Marcel Dekker, New York, 1965.
17. Giddings J. C., Keller R. A., Advances in Chromatography, vol. 1-9, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1966-1970.
18. Gordon A. H., Easioe J., Practical Chromatographic Techniques, George Newnes, London, 1964.
19. Gudzinowicz B. J., Gas Chromatography Analysis of Drugs and Pesticides; Mareel Dekker. New York, E. Arnold, London,
JO. Hesse G., Chtomatographisches Praktikum, Akademische Ver-lagsgesellschaft, Frankfurt am Main, 1968.
21. Isolation and Identification of -Drugs in Pharmaceuticals. Body Fluids and Post-Morten Material, Clarke E. G., Berle C. (eds.), Pharmaceut, Press, London, 1969.
22. Jones R. A., An Introduction to Gas Liquid Chromatography, Academic Press, London, 1970.
23. Жуховицкий А. А., Пецев H., Основы на газовата хроматография, София, 1969.
24. Kaiser R., Gas Chromatographie, Akademische Verlagsgesell-schaft, Leipzig, 1960.
25. Kaiser R., Chromatographie in der Gasphase. Bibliographischen
Institute, Mannheim: '
Vol. 1, Gas Chromatographie, 1960; 2nd ed., 1965;
Vol. 2, Kapillar Chromatographie, 1961;
Vol. 3, Tabellen, 1962;
Vol. 4, Quantitative Auswertung, 1965.
'26. Knox J. H., Gas Chromatography., J. Wiley & Son's, New York,
. 1962.
27. Kuppens P. S. H., High' Resolution Gas Chromatography in Steroid Analysis. An Introduction to Use for Clinical Purposes. Thesis, Technische Hogeschool, Eindhoven, 1968.
28. Leathard D. A., Shurlock В. C., .Identification Techniques in Gas Chromatography, Wiley - Interscience, London, 1972.
29. Lectures on Gas Chromatography 1962, Szimanski H. A. (ed.),
Plenum Press, New York, 1963. '
30. Lectures on Gas Chromatography 1964 - Agricultural and Biologikal Applications, Szimanski H. A. (ed.), Plenum Press, New York, 1965.
31. Lederer E., Lederer М., Chromatography. A review of principles and applications, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1955.
32. Lipsett М. B., -Gas Chromatography of Steroids in Biological Fluids, Plenum Press, New York, 1965.
33. Littlewood A. S., ,Gas Chromatography Principles, Techniques and Applications, Academic Press, New York, 1962.
34. Manuel Practique de Chromatographie en Phase Gazeuse, Tranchant J. (ed,), Masson & Cie., Paris, 1964.
35. Manuel practique de Chromatographie en Phase Gazeuse, Tranchant J. (ed,), Masson, Paris, 1968.
36. McReynolds W. О., Chromatographic Retention Data, Preston Technical Abstracts Co., Evanston, 1966.
37. Method in Ensymology, vol. 15, Steroid and Terpenoids, Clayton R. B. (ed.), Academic Press, New Tfork - London,
38. Patti A. A., Stein A. A., Steroid Analysis by Gas Liquid Chromatography, С. C. Thomas (ed.), Spingfield, Illinois, 1964.
39. Pattison I. B., A Programmed Introduction to Gas Liquid Chromatography, Heyden and Son, London, 1969.
-40. Principles end Practice of Gas Chromatography, Pecsok R. L, (ed.), J. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1959.
-4L Progress in Industrial Gas Chromatography, vol. 1, 'Szimanski H, A. (ed.), Plenum Press, New York, 1961.
42. Purnell И., Gas Chromatography, J. Wiley. & Sons, New York, 1962.
43. Raschke М., Ermittlung der Zusammensetzung technischer. Brenngase insbesondere in ihnen enthaltenen Kohlenwasser-stohfe, nach verschiedenen gaschromatographischen Methoden, Forschungsberichte des Landes NRW, Koln, 1964.
44. Schupp H., Gas Chromatography, vol. 13, Technique Organic Chemistry, E. S. Perry, A. Weissberger (eds.), Interscience, New York, 1968.
45. Signeur A. V., Guid to the Gas Cromatography Literature, Plenum Press, New York: vol. 1, 1964, vol. 2, 1967.
46. Snyder L. R., Principles of Absorption Chromatography, vol. 3, Chromatographic Science Series, Marcel Dekker, New York, Edward Arnold, London 1968.
47. Snyder L. R., Principles of Adsorption Chromatography, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1968.
48. Stevens M. P., Characterizations and Analysis of Polymers by Gas Chromatography, vol. 3, Techniques and Methods of Poli-mer Evaluation, P. E. Slade, L. T. Jenkins (eds.), Marcel Dekker, New York, 1969.
49. Szepesy L., Gas Chromatography, Academiai Kiado, Budapest,
50. The Solid Gas Interface, E. A. Flood (ed.), Marcel Dekker, New York, Edvard Arnold, London, 1966-1967.
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