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Обогащение урана - Беккер Е.

Беккер Е. Обогащение урана — М.: Энергоатомиздат, 1983. — 320 c.
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6.58 J.L.Lyman, R.J.Jensen, J.Rink, C.P.Robinson, S.D.Rockwood•. Appl. Phys. Lett 27, 87
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7.11 H.Kress, J, J.McClure, G.Miick, N.Nathrath, M.Simon: „Statusbericht iiber die Entwicklung einer Plasmazentrifuge“; MBB Rpt, UR-329-76,(1976)
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7.13 H.Heller, M.Simon: Phys. Lett. 50A (No. 2) 139 (1974)
7.14 F.Boeschoten, R.Komen: “On the Possibility to Separate Isotopes by Means of a Romittg Plasma Column”; TH Eindhoven Rpt. 77-E-72 (1977)
7.15 A.I.Babaritzki, A.A.Ivanov, V.V.Shapkin: “Separation of Elements in a Steady-State Rotating Plasma”, private communication
7.16 G.Miick: To be published
7.17 N.Nathrath.: “The"Plasma Centrifuge 111, Measurements on Rotating Uranium Arts”, 13 th Intern. Conf. Ionized Gases, Berlin (1977)
7.18 H.Kress, J.J.McClure, G.Miick, N.Nathrath, A.Pohl, M.Simon: „Entwicklung einer Piasmazentrifuge”: MBB Rpt. UR-272-74 (1975)
7.19 C.D.Kylstra, R.T. Schneider, H.D.Campbell: “Uranium Plasma Emission Coefficient”; AIAA Paper No. 70-692 (1970)
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7.20 M.Hashmi, A.J. vander Houven van Oordt: Proc. Intern. Conf. Quiescent Plasmas, Roskilde (1971)
7.21 O.Kluber: Z. Naturforsch. 24a, 1473 (1969); 27a, 4 (197?)
7.22 N.Nathrath: “Rotational Velocity and Current Density Distributions in Stationary Arcs”, XI. Intern. Conf. Phen. Ionized Gases, Prag (1973)
H.Heller, H.D.Kress, J.J.McClure, N.Nathrath, M.Simon: „2. Zwischenbericht \ibei die Entwicklung einer Piasmazentrifuge'1; MBB Rpt. UA 116-72 (1973)
7.23 H.E.Wilhelm, S.H.Hong: Phys. Rev. A, 15 (No. 5) 2108 (1$77)
H.E. Wilhelm, S.H.Hong: J. Appl. Phys. 48 (No. 2) 561 (1977)
7.24 H. W. Drawin, M.Fumelli, D.Voslamber: Z. Naturforsch. 20a (6) 860 (1965)
7.25 H.Alfven:’ On the Origin of the Solar System (Clarendon Press, Oxford 1954)
L.Danielson: Phys. Fluids 13 (No. 9) 2288 (1970)
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