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Обогащение урана - Беккер Е.

Беккер Е. Обогащение урана — М.: Энергоатомиздат, 1983. — 320 c.
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3.266 E.R.Sullivan: American Report ERDA CONF-751134 (1976) p. 1
3.267 Nuclear Fuels 3 (April 3), 4 (1978)
3.268 C.C. Hopkins: Proc. London Conf. on Isotope Separation (B.N.E.S. J., London 1976) p. 91
3.269 D.C.Thomas: American Report ERDA CONF-751134 (1976) p. 17
3.270 J.Petit: Proc. IAEA Salzburg Conf. on Nuclear Power and its Fuel Cycle, Vol. 3 (IAEA, Vienna 1977) p. Ill
3.271 F.P.Baranovski, G. T. Seaborg: Feb. 4, 1964 Hearings Joint Committee, Vol. 1 (US Gov., Washington 1965) p. 221
3.272 H.Stone, A. DeLaGarza, E.Hoglund: Nucl. Appl. Technol. 9, 376 (1970)
3.273 Nuclear Industry 25 (3), 27 (1978)
3.274 J.H.Coates, J.C.Guais, G.Lamorlette: Proc. London Conf. Isotope Separation (B.N.E.S. J.,
London 1976) p. 71 '
3.275 К.Cohen: Nucleonics 16, 66 (1958)
3.276 W.J.Wilcox: American Report K/TD-362 ERDA >1977)
3.277 American Report UCC-ND 1978, published by Dept, of Energy at the September 27-29, 1978 London Conf. on Nuclear Fuel Cycle
3.278 W.C.Roberts: ERDA Authorizing Legislation lor FY 1977, March 11, 1976 Hearings Joint Committee, Part 3, p. 2507
3.279 F.P.Baranov/ski: Proc. Paris ilonf on Nuclear Energy Maturity (Pergamon, Paris 1976) p. 195
3.28(i American Report ERDA-1549, Vol. 1 <Sept. 1977*
3.281 Pierrelatte, ed. CEA, Paris 1967
3.282 M.Benedict: Trans. Am. Nucl. Sou. 25, 44 '1977.
3.28? C.Frejacques, Leduc M.Pecqueur: In Ref. 3.210, p. 15 3.284 J.hrgalant: Rev. Gen. Nucleaire 337 :197&
.3.285 G.Besse: Proc. Paris Cun), on Nuclear Energy Maturity (Pergamon, Paris 1976) p. 202 3.28ft Nucleonics Week 19 i.Aug. 3). JO ^978>
3.28' J.KPetit : American Ind. Forum .(an. 29/Feb. 1 (1978) New Orleans Conf., Communication ¦%107-t>
3.288 Nucleonics Week 19 (Jan. 12). 3 (1978'
3.28^ I.hricksson, M.Martensson: Svensk Kem. Tidsk. 74, 609 (1962); AEC-tr.-6015 (1962)
3.2% O.F.Quinn: Future Structure of Enrichment Industry, Hearings Aug. 25, 1974, Joint Committee US Gov. (Washington 1975), part 3/II, p. 884 3.29) W.J.Wilcox. D.M.Lang, S. A.Levin: Proc. London Conf. on Uranium Isotope Separation
(B.N.E.S. J., London 19761 p. 183
3.292 G.Besse: In Ref. 3.291, p. 115
3.293 J.C. Bailey: American A EC Report K-1844 ERDA (1973)
3.234 S.Blumkin, E. VonKalle: American Report K-1^92 ERDA (1978)
Глава 4
4.1a G.Bredig: Z. Phys. Chem. 17, 459-472 (1895)
4.1b F. W. Aster., F.A.Lindeman : Philos. Mag. 37, 523-534 (1919)
4.1c M.Benedict, T.H.Pigford: Nuclear Chemical Engineering (McGraw-Hill, New York 1957) pp.378-522
4.2 K. Cohen : The Theory of Isotope Separation as Applied to the Large Scale Production of U235 (McGraw-Hill, New York 1951) pp. 103-125
4.3 J.Shacter. E.Von Halle, R.L.Hoglund: “The Gas Centrifuge Method”, in Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Vol. 7, ed. by R. E. Kirk, D.F.Othmer (Interscience, New York 1965) pp. 149-165
4.4 W.Groth : “Gas Centrifuges’', in Separation of Isotopes, ed. by H. London (George Newness, London 1961) pp. 249-292
4.5 H.R.C.Pratt: Countercurrent Separation Processes (Elsevier, Amsterdam 1967) pp. 333-347
4.6 S.Villani: Isotope Separation (American Nuclear Society, Hinsdale 1976) pp. 207r-241
4.7 D.G.Avery, E.Davies: Uranium Enrichment by Gas Centrifuge (Mills and Boon, London 1973)
4.8 D.R.Olander: Adv. Nucl. Sci. Technol. 6, 105-174 (1972)
4.9 R.B.Bird, W.E.Stewart, E.N.Lighifoot: Transport Phenomena (Wiley, New York 1960)
4.10 H.P.Greenspan: Theory of Rotating Fluids (Cambridge University Press, London 1969)
4.11 Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Gases in Strong Rotation, ed. by Soubbaramayer, C.E.A., France (1977)
4.12 Proceedings of the Euromech Colloquium 80 on Separation Phenomena in Gas Mixture Flows, ed. by E.G. Roesner, University of Karlsruhe, F. R. Germany (1976)
4.13 V.Barcilon, J.Pedlovsky: J. Fluid Mech. 29, 673-690 (1967)
4.14 C.Hunter: J. Fluid Mech. 27, 753-778. (1967)
20* 307
4.15 G. M. Homsy, J.L.Hundson: J. Fluid Mech. 35, 33-52 (1969)
4.16 H.Mikami: J. Nuc!. Sci. Technoi. 10, 580 (1973)
4.17 T.Sakurai, T.Matsuda: J. Fluid Mech. 62, 727-736 (1974)
4.18 W.Nakayama, S.Usui: J. MucL Sci. Technoi. 11, 243-262 (1974)
4.19 J.Durivault, P.Louvet: “Etude theorique de I’ecovilement dans une Centrifugeuse a con-
tiecouiant thermique”; Rapport CEA, R-4174, Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique France
4.20 T.Matsuda: J. Nucl. Sci. Technoi. 12, 512-518 (1975)
4.21 T.Matsuda, T.Sakurai, H.Takeda: J. Fluid Mech. 67, 197-208 (1975)
4.22 T.Matsuda, K.Hashimoto, H.Takeda: J. Fluid Mech. 73, 389-399 (1976)
'4.23 T.Matsuda, H.Takeda: J. Fluid Mech. 8S, 443-457 (1978)
4.24 J.Durivault, P.Louvet, G.Rouvillois, Soubbaramayer: C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 283, B.17 (1976)
4.25 T.Matsuda, K.Hashimoto: J. Fluid Mech. 78, 337-354 (1976)
4.26 T.Matsuda, K.Hashimoto: J. Fluid Mech. 85, 433-^42 (1978)
4.27 J.Durivault, P.Louvet: C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris 283, B.79 (1976)
4.28 P.Louvet, J. Durivaul*: “Compressible Countercurrent Flow in a Strongly Rotating Cylinder”, in Singular Perturbations and Boundary Layer Theory, ed. by С. M. Brauner, B. Gay, J.Mathieu, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Vol. 594 (Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York 1977)
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