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Источники пищевого белка - Яковлев Н.И.

Яковлев Н.И. Источники пищевого белка — М.: Колос, 1979. — 302 c.
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27. Betschart A. A., Saunders R. М., Mon T. R., Kohler G. O. Variations in the fatty acid composition of stored wheat protein concentrates prepared by wet and dry milling. Cereal Chem., 52, 439, 1975.
28. Betschart A. A., Saunders R. М., Bean М. М., К о filer G. О. 1975. Effects of processing on the baking quality of wet alkaline process wheat protein concentrate. Cereal Chem., 52, 812.
29. Betschart A. A., Saunders R. М., Hepburn F. N. 1976. Supplementation of one—pound loaves with wet alkaline process wheat protein concentrates — baking and nutritional quality. /. Food Sci, 41, 820.
30. Betschart A. A., Fong R. Y. T„ Saunders R. M. 1977. Rice milling byproducts. Comparative exraction and precipitation of nitrogen from US and Spanish bran and germ. J. Food Sci.,
52, 1088.
31. С 1 u s к e у J. E., W u Y. V., W a 11 J. S., I n g 1 e 11 O. F. 1973. Oat protein concentrates from a wet milling process: Preparation. Cereal Chem. 50, 475.
32. С о n n о r M. A., S a u n d e r s R. М., Kohler G. O. 1976. Rice bran protein concentrates obtained by wet alkaline extraction. Cereal Chem., 53, 488.
33. Hansmeyer W. A., S a 11 e r 1 e e L. D., M a 11 e r n P. J. 1976. -Characterization of products from'wet fractionation of wheat bran. J. Food Sci., 41, 505.
34. L i n d s а у G. W., Saunders R. М., К о h 1 e rf G. O. 1977. Preparation and nutritional quality of protein concentrates from wheat shorts, rice bran, and soy flour by extraction with cheese wheys. /. Food Scl, 42, 1365.
35. Nielsen H. C„ Inglett G. E„ Wall J. S., Donaldson G. L. 1973. Corn germ protein isolate — preliminary studies on preparation and properties. Cereal Chem., 50, 435.
36. N e i 1 s e n H. C., Wall J. S., M u e 11 e r J. K., Warner K., Inglett G. E. 1977. Effect of bound lipid on flavor of protein isolate from germ. Cereal Chem.;5i, 503.
37. S a 11 e r 1 e e L. D., V a v a к D. М., AbdulkadirR., Kendrick J. G. 1976. The chemical, functional, and nutritional characterization of protein concentrates from distiller’s grains. Cereal Chem., 53, 739.
38. Saunders R. М., Betschart A. A., Kohler G. O. 1975. Byproducts utilization: Preparation of cereal protein concentrates. Baker Digest, 49, 49. ’ '
39. S a u n d e r s R. М., В e t s с h a r t A. A., Connor M. A., Edwards R. М.. Kohler G. O. 1974. Preparation and properties of triticale protein concentrates prepared by wet-processing of
triticale bran. In Triticale: First man—made cereal. (Ed. C. Tsen). Amer. Assn Cereal Chemists, St. Paul, Minnesota.
40. Saunders R. М., Betschart A. A. 1976. Protein concentrates from cereal byproducts and minor oilseeds. In Opportunities to Improve Protein Quality and Quantity for Human Food. Univ. California Publication 3058. p. 126.
41. Saunders R. М., Betschart A. A., Edwards R. H., Kohler G. O. 1976. Nutritive assessment and potential food application of ptotein concentrates prepared by alkaline extraction of wheat millfeeds. Ninth Nat’l. Conf. Wheat Utiliz. Res., Seattle, Washington. ARS—NC—40 p. 9.
42. Saunders R. М., Betschart A. A. 1977. Protein quality of wheat millfeed protein concentrates. J. Food Sci., 42, 974.
43. S a u n d e r s R. М., Connor M. A., Edwards R. H., Kohler G. O. 1974. Preparation of stable protein concentrates from grain byproducts. U. S. Patent 3, 859, 451.
44. Saunders R. М., В e t s с h a r t A. A., Connor M. A., Edwards R. М., Kohler G. O. 1974. Preparation and properties of protein concentrates obtained by wet—processing of cereal grain milling byproducts. Proceedings, IVth International Congress of Food Science and Technology, Madrid, Spain, p. 34.
45. Saunders R. M. 1977. Potential food grade materials from rice bran. Intern. Rice Commission Newsletter, FAO. 26 (2), 19.
46. Saunders R. М., Connor M. A., Edwards R. H., К о h-
i ler G. О. 1975. Preparation of protein concentrates from wheat
shorts and wheat millrun by a wet alkaline process. Cereal Chem.,
52, 93.
47. Saunders R. М., Kohler G. O. 1977. US. Patent 4064283.
48. Wu Y. V., Stringfellow A. C. 1973. Protein concentrates from oat flours by air classification of normal and high protein varieties. Cereal Chem., 50, 489.
49. Wu Y. U„ Cl us key J. E„ Wall J. S., Inglett G. E. 1973. Oat protein concentrates from a wet—milling process: Composition and properties. Cereal Chem, 50, 481.
Н. В. Пири
В соответствии с основными принципами МБП белки листьев изучались более полно, чем другие источники белка, уже обсуждавшиеся в этом сводном томе. Этой проблеме были посвящены исследования, проводившиеся в рамках МБП в Индии, Новой Зеландии, Нигерии, Швеции, Уганде и Великобритании, и совещание рабочей группы, результаты которого изложены в 20-м томе Руководства (Handbook), изданном МБП [17]. Исследования, имеющие отношение к этому вопросу, но конкретно не отмеченные в программах МБП, проводятся или проводились в Австралии, Бразилии, Канаде, Ирландии, Франции, Венгрии, Новой Гвинее, Пакистане, Шри-Ланка, США и на Ямайке.
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