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Биология сиговых рыб - Северцова А.Н.

Северцова А.Н. Биология сиговых рыб — М.: Наука, 1988. — 239 c.
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Comins H.N., Hassel M.P. The dinamics of optimally foraging predators and parasitoids // J. Anim. Ecol. 1979. VoL 48. P. 335-351.
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Drenner AH'., Strickler J.R., O’Brien W.G. Capture probability: the role of zooplankton escape in the selective feeding of planktivorous fish // J. Fish Res. Board Canad. 1978. VoL 35, N 10. P. 1370-1373.
Drenner R.W., Vtnyard G.Ig, Cophen М., McComas S.R. Feeding behavior of the cichlid. Sarotherodon galilsem: selective predation on Lake Kinnert zooplankton 11 Hydrobio lo-gia. 1982. VoL 87, N1. P. 17-20.
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Glasser G. W. A theory of trophic strategies: the evolution of facultative specialists 11 Amer. Natur. 1982. VoL 119, N 2. P. 250-262.
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Gliwicz Z.M. Food and predation in limiting clutch size of cladocerans // Verh. Intern. Ver. theor. undangew. Limnol. 1981. VoL 21, pt 3. P. 1962-1566.
Grossman G.D. Ecological aspects of ontogenetic shifts in prey size utilisation in the Bay Goby (Pisces: Gobitidae) // Oecologia. 1980. VoL 47. P. 233—238.
Hassel M.P., May RM. Aggregation of predators and insect parasites and its effect on stability II J. Anim. Ecol. 1974. VoL 43. P. 567-594.
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Iwasa G., Higashi М., lamamura N. Prey distribution as a factor determining the choice of optimal forading strategy 11 Amer. Natur. 1981. VoL 117, N 5. P. 710-723.
Jacobs J. Influence of prey size, light intensity and alternative prey on the selectivity of plankton feeding fish // Verh. Intern. Ver. theor. und angew. Limnol. 1978. VoL 20, pt 4. P. 2461-2466.
Janssen G. Comparison of searching behavior for zooplankton in an obligate planktivore blueback herring (Alosa aestivalis) and a facultative planktivore bluegill (Lepomis macro-chirus) II Canad. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 1982. Vol. 39, N12. P. 1649-1654.
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O’Brien W.J. The predator-prey interaction of planktivorous fish and zooplankton // Amer. Sci. 1979. VoL 67, N 5. P. 572-581.
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