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Распространение и закономерности распределения дождевых червей фауны СССР - Перель Т.С.

Перель Т.С. Распространение и закономерности распределения дождевых червей фауны СССР — М.: Наука, 1979. — 273 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): raspredelenieizakonomernosti1979.djvu
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Diagnostics of genera according to the Rosa — Michaelsen system 13
Diagnostic features used by V. Pop when revising the system of
Lumbricidae family.............................................. 17
Attempts of the revision of the Lumbricidae system made by P. Omodeo and M. Bouche..........................................................22
New approach to the diagnostics of genera proposed by G. Gates 23
Evolution of the general shape of nephridial bladders in Lumbricidae 2ft
Nephridial bladders shape and orientation toward the enterior end of the body as a criterion for the discrimination of Lumbricidae genera 29
Chapter II. Differences in the organization of various representatives of Lumbricidae in connection with their ecological peculiarities .... 32
Morpho-ecological types of Lumbricidae connected with the nutrition
type.................................................................... . 32
Morphoecological groups of Lumbricidae connected with their vertical
distribution within the soil................................................36
Subgroup of amphibiotic forms...............................................41
Types of Lumbricidae adaptations when compared with taxonomic
classification.......................................................... 41
Classification of the life forms of Lumbricidae.............................43
Chapter 111. Distribution of earthworms within the territory of the Soviet Union and the origin of the Lumbricidae fauna of various regions . . 44
The Ukrainian Carpathians................................................... -47
Adjacent plains of the Ukraine and Moldavia................................. 51
The Caucasian isthmus................................................... 54
The Crimea..............................................................* 64
The Ural mountains and adjacent territories.................................66
Mountain regions of the South Kazakhstan and of the Soviet Central
Asia........................................................¦ 68
The Northern and Central Tien-Shan and mountain regions of the
West Siberia................................................................ 75
The Soviet Far East..........................77
Ranges of the Lumbricidae genera distributed in the USSR . , 79
Chapter IV. The zonal distribution of Lumbricidae................... . 87
Tundra zone.........................................................88
Zone of taiga.......................................................96
Subzone of broadleaved-coniierous forests of the zone of mixed forests 105
Central province................................................108
Carex pilosa cycle..........................................108
Aegopodium podagraria cycle...........Ill
Oxalidoso-nemorosum and herboso-oxalidosum cycle . . . 113
Western province................................................Ив
Eastern province................................................116
Intrazonal plant associations................................... 119
Subzone of broadleaved forests and Forest associations of the forest-
steppe zone.......................................................... 124
The Steppe zone and forestless areas of Ibe 5orests-steppe zone . . 131
General comments....................................................138
Chapter V. Distribution of the Lumbricidae in mountain regions ... 133
Chapter VI. The role of earthworms in plant debris (litter) decomposHion 145
¦Chapter VII. Taxonomic review of earthworms of the USSR fauna . . 159
Essay on morphology and anatomy....................................159
Keys to the family and subfamilies of Megadrili..................172
Keys to the species of Megadrili (except Lumbricidae)............173
Keys to the genera of Lumbricidae occurring in the USSR . . 17/
Helodrilus......................................................¦ 179
AHolobophora .............. 181
Kritodrilus ....................................................2^"
Octolasium.................................. 2Ui
Nicodrilus........................................... 206
Eisenia................................................... 214
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