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Распространение и закономерности распределения дождевых червей фауны СССР - Перель Т.С.

Перель Т.С. Распространение и закономерности распределения дождевых червей фауны СССР — М.: Наука, 1979. — 273 c.
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Zicsi A. Regenwiirmer (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) aus der Turkei.—Acta zool. Acad. sci. Hung., 1973, 19, 1-2, p. 217-232.
Zicsi A, Regenwurmer (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) aus Griechentand.— Opusc-zool. (Magy.), 1973a, 12, N 1/2, p. 99—103.
Zicsi A. Eine neue Dendrobaena-Art (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) aus Griechen-. land.—Acta Zooi. Acad. sci. hung., 1974, 20, 3—4, p. 449—451.
Zicsi A. Zootische Einflusse auf die Streuzersetzung in Hainbuchen-Eichenwal-dern Ungarns.—Pedobioiogia, 1975, 15, N 6, S. 432—438.
Zicsi A. Regenwiirmer aus dena Tessin sowie Bemerkungen fiber die meroandri-schen Formen der Untergattung Octodrilus (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae).— Acta zool. Acad. sci. hung., 1971, 17, N 1/2, S- 219—231.
Zicsi A. Revision der Art Dendrobaena Platyura (Fitzinger, 1833) {Oligochaeta r Lumbricidae).—Ibid., 1978, 2-4, N 3/4, p. 439—449.
From the territory of the Soviet Union there are known 97 species and ,4 subspecies of earthworms (Megadrili) belonging to
5 families: Moniligastridae, Griodrilidae, Megascolecidae, Ocne-rodrilidae and Lumbricidae. 91 species are representatives of the-last named family. This family is represented by 10 genera discriminated on the base of the author’s revision of the system of Lumbricidae. For the diagnostics of the Lumbricidae genera a new character was used: the shape and position of nephridial bladders. This character has been proved to be of a high taxonomic value.. Keys to genera of Lumbricidae (and other Megadrili), as well as. those to species are given.
Among the Lumbricids known from this country 39 species are to be appreciated as endemic ones, their ranges do not exceed the borders of the USSR territory. These endemic species belong to the genera most rich in species in this country: Allolobophora,, Eisenia and Dendrobaena (see the fist of species, p. 239).
The highest degree of the endemism is characteristic of the Lumbricidae fauna of the Southern Kazakhstan and Middle Asia {Soviet Central Asia) mountain ranges. All endemic earthworm species of this region belong to the subgenus Svetlovia Perel (Table 18).
The bulk of Svetlovia spp. is inhabiting Western Tien-Shan and Fergana mountain ranges. According to paleogeographic data this territory was never submerged beginning from the end of the Pa-leozoicum. It is suggested that just here was the centrum of the subgenus Svetlovia origin. From this territory it spread into the geologically younger territories of Tadzhikistan and Iran. The subgenus Svetlovia obviously separated from Allolobophora s. str. after the disappearance of continental connections between Europe and Asia which took place many times during the end of the Jurassic and the Cretaceous periods as the consequence of transgressions of the epicontinental sea covering the Central Russia platform.
During this period there were no disjunctions between Asia and the Ural, where among Lumbricidae two endemic species belonging to this subgenus are widely distributed (Table 15).
In the Soviet Far East, in Siberia and in the major part of Kazakhstan earthworms are represented principally by Eisenia nordenskioldi (Eisen). The range of this species, widely distributed in the Asiatic part of the USSR and in Mongolia protrudes into the Eastern Europe too.
The range of the amphibiotic species Eisenia balatonica (Pop) also extends from the Eastern Siberia to the Eastern Europe.
The ranges of the majority of strictly localized endemic species beloging to this genus are restricted to the Asiatic part of the USSR territory (Fig. 11). These data enable us to appreciate Eisenia as a genus of the Asiatic origin having invaded the territory of Europe in the second part of the Oligocene after the disappearance of Turgai strait.
Endemic Dendrobaena spp. of the USSR fauna occur in the Caucasus only (see the List of species, p. 239). In the USSR the species belonging to this genus are the most numerous in the ¦Carpathians and in the Caucasus. Out of the limits of these mountain regions in the USSR only D. byblica (Rosa) and D. veneta (Rosa) do occur in the Soviet Central Asia, as well as the cosmopolitan species D. octaedra (Savigny).
This allows to characterize the eastern border line of the genus Dendrobaena having taken its origin from the territory corresponding to the ancient continent of Aegeis.
Representatives of all other Megadrili families known from the USSR are distributed mainly in the southern regions. These are Drawida ghilarovi Gates distributed in the Soviet Far East, Pheretima hilgendorfi (Michaelsen) found on Kunashir isle (Kuril Isles group), Ocnerodrilus occidentalis Eisen occurring in the Soviet Central Asia, Pheretima diffringens (Baird) and Microsco-lex phosphorous known from the Western Transcaucasus.
Criodrilus lacuum (Hoffm.) is wider distributed in the USSR being mentioned from the Central Asia, from the Caucasus and Ciscaucasian territories, as well as from some Western regions -of the USSR. There are revealed well expressed peculiarities in the zonal distribution of Lumbricidae, among which various lifeforms are discriminated (Chapter IV),
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