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Современная систематика методологические аспекты - Павлинов И.Я.

Павлинов И.Я. Современная систематика методологические аспекты — Москва, 1996. — 47 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): slovoosovremennoysistimatike1996.doc
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non-formal ones, the classificatory methods cannot be fully formalised, as
well, so a good room remains for intuitive argumentation scheme.
Classification being a fractal means the following. It should be hierarc-
hical, approximated by Zipf-Mandelbrot rank distribution model, at least at
some level(s) include stochastic component, all taxa are of equal status (there
are no "more" or "less objective" taxa). All of its statements are context-de-
pendent, that is relativistic: they cannot be considered (tested etc) properly
out of the contexts provided by the entire classification.
Classification being a hypothesis means all its statements are sub-hypotheses
within it. Particular taxa are hypotheses of real groups of organisms; their
characters are hypotheses of some of the group properties; their links in hierarchy
are hypotheses of certain kind of relationships between those groups. Statement
about similarity relation may not correspond to criteria of hypothesis.
Research collections provide a possibility for taxonomic knowledge to be
repeatable, so they are presumable analogy of physical experiment, as far as
taxonomic hypothesis is analogy of physical one. Thus, modern systematic is
still a "museum science".
The notion of the Natural System is based on archetypal believe in the
World ruled by a sole universal Law and should be abandoned, if S-model
adopted presumes the realm of life is stratified in respect to diverse laws
structering it in different aspects of diversity.

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