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Тепло и массообмен в пограничных слоях - Патанкар С.

Патанкар С., Сполдинг Д. Тепло и массообмен в пограничных слоях — М.: Энергия , 1971. — 128 c.
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77. Patankar S. V., Heat and mass transfer in turbulent boundary layers, Ph. D. Thesis. University of London, 1967.
78. Patankar S. V. and Spalding D. B., A calculation procedure for heat transfer by forced convention through two-dimensional uniform-property turbulent boundary layers on smooth impermeable walls, Proc. of 3rd Internal. Heat Transfer Conference, Chicago, A. I. Ch. E., II, p. 50—63.
79. P a t a n к a r S. V. and Spalding D. B., A finite-difference procedure for solving the equations of the two-dimensional boundary layer, Imperial College, 1967,
Mech. Eng. Dept. Rep. TWF/TN/20. Also Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 1967, 10, .№ 10. p. 1389—1412.
80. P a t a n к a r S. V. and Taylor R. G., Diffusion from a line source in a turbulent boundary layer: comparison of theory and experiment. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer,
1965, 8, 1172—1175.
81. Perry A. E., В e 1 1 J. B. and Joubert P. N., Velocity and temperature profiles in adverse-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layers, J. Fluid Mech., 1966, 25(2), p. 299—320.
82. P о h 1 h a u s e n K-, Zur naherungsweisen Integration der Differential gleiclnin-gen der laminaren Reibungsschicht, 1921, ZAMM, 1, p. 252—268.
83. P r a n d t 1 L., Bericht liber Untersuchungen zur ausgebildeten Turbulenz, ZAMM, 1925, 5, S. 136.
84. P r a n d t 1 L., Bemerkungen zur Theorie der freien Turbulenz, ZAMM, 1942, 22,
S. 241—243.
85. P r a n d 11 L., Ober ein neues Formelsystem fur die ausgebildete Turbulenz, Nachrichten der Akad. Wiss. Gottingen Mathphys., 1945, S. 6—19, Van den Loeck and1 Ruprecht, Gottingen.
86. R e i с h a r d t H., Gesetzmassigkeiten der freien Turbulcntz, VDI-Forschungsheft, 1942, S. 414; 2nd ed„ 1951.
87. R e i d R. C. and Sherwood Т. K-, The Properties of Gases and Liquids, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1958.
88. Reynolds W. C., Kays W. M. and Kline S. J., Heat transfer in the turbulent incompressible boundary layer. I: Constant wall temperature, 1958, NASA Memo, № 12-1-58W.
89. Reynolds W. C., Kays W. M. and Kline S. J., Heat transfer in the
turbulent incompressible boundary layer, II: Step wall-temperature distribution, 1958,
NASA Memo. № 12-2-58W.
90. R e у п о 1 s W. C., Kays W. M. and Kline S. J., Heat transfer in the turbulent incompressible boundary layer, III: Arbitrary wall temperature and heat flux. 1958, NASA Memo, № 12-3-58W.
91. Rotta J., Ober die Theorie der turbulenten Grenzschichten, Mitteilungen aus dem Max-Plank-lnstitut fur Stromungsforschung (Gottingen), 1950, I: translated as «On the theory of the turbulent boundary layer», NACA TM 1344, 1953.
92. Ross D. and Robertson J. М., A superposition analysis of the turbulent
boundary layer in an adverse pressure gradient. J. App. Mech. 1951, 18, p. 95—100.
93. R о t t a J. C., Heat transfer and temperature distribution in turbulent boundary layers at supersonic and hypersonic flow, Aerodynamische Versuchsanstalt, 1965, Report 65Л 07.
94. S с h 1 i с h t i n g H., Boundary Layer Theory, 4th Ed., Mc-Graw Hill, New York,
95. S с h m i d t E., Foppl’s Festschrift, Julius Springer, Berlin, 1924, S. 179.
96. Schultz-Grunow F., Neues Reibungswiderstandsgesetz fur glatte Platten, 1940, 17(8), S. 239—216. Trans, as «New frictional resistance law for smooth plates», NACA TM 986, 1941.
97. S e b a n R. A. and Back L. H., Effectiveness and heat transfer for a turbulent boundary layer with tangential injection and variable free-stream velocity, ASME paper,
1961, № 61-WA-156.
98. Seban R. A. and Doughty D. L., Heat transfer to turbulent boundary layers with variable free-stream velocity, Trans. ASME, 1956, 78, p. 217.
99. S m i t h A. M. and Clutter D. W., Machine calculation of compressible laminar boundary layers, AIAA, 1965, 3, № 4, p. 639—647.
100. Smith A. M. O. and Jaffe N. A., General method for solving the nonequilibrium boundary-layer equations of a dissociating gas, AIAA paper, 1965, № 65—129.
101. Smith А. М. O., J a f f e N. A. and Lind R. C., Study of a general method of solution of the incompressible turbulent boundary-layer equations. Bureau of Naval Weapons Fluid Mechanics and Flight Dynamics Branch, 1965, RRRE-4.
102. Smith A. G. and Shah V. L., The calculation of wall and fluid temperatures for the incompressible turbulent boundary layer, with arbitrary distribution of wall heat flux, Int. J. Heat Mass Tr., 1962, 5, p. 1179—1189.
103. Smith A. G. and Shah V. L., Study of heat and mass transfer from non-isothermal surfaces, The College of Aeronautics, Cranfield, 1962, Note Л» 1-35.
104. Spalding D. B., Heat transfer to a turbulent stream from a surface with a step-wise discontinuity in wall temperature, Int. Developments in Heat Transfer, 1961, Pt II, p. 439—446.
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