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Гомология - Маклейн С.

Маклейн С. Гомология — М.: Мир, 1988. — 535 c.
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Хилтон, Ледерман (Hilton P. J. and Ledermann W,) Homology and riogoids. I., Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., 54 (1958), 152—167. fIX.l) ................
Хилтон, Рис (Hilton P. J. and Rees D.)
Natural maps of extension functors and a theorem of R. G. Swan, Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., 57 (1961), 489—502. [XII.9]
Хилтон, Уайли (Hilton P. J. and Wylie S.)
Homology theory. Cambridge, 1960. [II.9; VIII.9; XI.7] (Имеется русский йеревод: X и л т о н П. Дж., Уайли С., Теория гомологии и введение в алгебраическую топологию, «Мнр», М., 1966.)
Холл (Н а I 1 М.)
Group rings and extensions. I., Ann, of Math., 39 (1938), 220—234, [IV. 11]
X о n ф (H о p f H.)
Ober die Abbildungen der dreidimensionalen Spahre auf die Kugelflache, Math. Ann., 104 (1931), 637—665. [XI.2]
Ober die Abbildungen von Spharen auf Spharen niedrigerer Dimension, Fund. Math., 25 (1935), 427^440. [XI.2]
Fundamentalgruppe und zweite Bettische Gruppe, Comment. Math. Helv., 14 (1941/1942), 257—309. [IV. 11]
Relations between the fundamental group and the second Betti group, Lectures in topology, Ann Arbor, 1942. [IV. 11]
Ober die Betuschen Gruppen, die zu einer beliebigen Gruppe gehoren, Comment. Math. Helv., 17 (1944/1945), 39—79. [III.11; IV.U}
Хохшильд (Hochschild G.)
On the cohomology groups of an associative algebra, Ann. of Math., 46
(1945), 58—67. [VII. 4; VII.7]
On the cohomology theory for associative algebras, Ann. of Math., 47
(1946), 568-579. [VII.7]
Cohomology and representations of associative algebras, Duke M. J.,
14 (1947), 921—948. [VIM; IX.3; X.13]
Local class field theory, Ann. of Math., 61 (1950), 331—347. (IV.I1J
Cohomology classes of finite type and finite dimensional kernels for Ш algebras, Am. J. Math., 76 (1954), 763—778. [X.13J Lie algebra kernels and cohomology, Am. J. Math., 76 (1954), 698—716. IX. 13]
Relative homological algebra, Trans. AMS, 82 (1956), 246—269. [IX.8;
Хохшильд, Серр (Hochschild С. and Serre J.-P.)
Cohomology of group extensions, Trans. AMS, 74 (1953), 110—134. [XI.10; XI.11]
X убер (Hu ber P. J.)
Homotppy theory in general categories, Math. Ann., 144 (1961), 361—385
X у ? ы - Ц з я н (Hu S.-T.)
Homotopy theory, Academic Press, New York and London, 1959. [XI. 2;
XI.7] (Имеется .русский перевод: Ху Сы-Цзян, Теория гомотопий, «Мир», М., 1964.)
Чех (С fech Е.) "
Les groupes de Betti d’un complex infini, Fund. Math., 25 (1935), 33— 44. [V.ll] , - .
Цассеихауз (Zassenhaus H.)
The theory of groups, 2nd ed., New York, 1958 (оеобейно стр. 237; морфизмы). [II.9]
Шевалле (Chevalley С.) -
Fundamental concepts of algebra, Academic Press, New York, 1956. [VI.9]
Шевалле, Эйленберг (Chevalley, С. and E i 1 e n b e r g S.) Cohomology theory of Lie groups and Lie algebras, Trans. AMS, 63 (1948), 85—124—, [X.13] ' ‘
Шмид. (Schmid J.)
Zu den Reduktionssatzen in der homologischen Theorie der Gruppen, Archiv der Math., 15 (1964), 28—32. [IX.7]
ШЪ e x т (Specht W.)
Gruppentheorie, Berlin — Gottingen — Heidelberg: Springer 1956. [XII.1]
Шрейер (Schreier O.)
Ober die Erweiterungen von Gruppen. I., Monatsh. Math. u. Phys., 34 (1926), 165—180; II. Abh.. Math. Sem. Hamburg, 4 (1926), 321—346. [III. 11; IV.ll] J
Шукла (Shukla U.) .
Cohomologie' des algebres associatives, Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm., Sup., 78 (1961), 163—209. [X.13] •- ¦ •
Щарба (Szczarba R. Н.)
The homology of twisted cartesian products, Trans. j4AfS, 100 (1961), 197—216. [VIII.9]
Э в e p e т т (E v e r e t t C. J.)
An extension theory for rings, Am. J. Math., 64 (1942), 363—370. [X.13J
Эйленберг (Eilenberg S.)
Singular homology theory, Ann. of Math., 45 (1944), 407—447. [II.9j Homology of spaces with operators. I., Trans. AMS, 81 (1947), 378—417. Homological dimension and syzygies, Ann. of Math., 64 (1956), 328—336. Errata thereto: Ann. of Math., 65 (1957), 593. [VII.6; VII.7]
Abstract description of some basic functors, J. Indian Math. Soc., 24 (1960), 231—234. [XIII.9]
Эйленберг, Зильбер (Eilenberg S. and Zilber J. A.) Semi-simplicial complexes and singular homology, Ann. of Math., 51 (1950), 499-513. [VIII.5]
On products of complexes, Am. J. Math.., 75 (1,953), 200—204. [VIII.51
Эйленберг, Маклейн (Eilenberg S. and MacLane S.) Group extensions and homology, Ann. of Math., 43 (1942); 757 —831 [111.11;
Relations between homology and homotopy groups, Proc. NAS USA, 29 (1943), 155-158. [IV.ll]
General theory of natural equivalences, Trans. AMS, 58 (1945), 231—294. [1.8]
Relations between homology and homotopy groups of spaces, Ann. of Math., 46 (1945), 480—509. [IV.ll]
Cohomology theory in abstract groups. I., Ann. of Math., 48 (1947), 51—78. [VIII.5; VIII.9]
Cohomology theory in abstract groups. II. Group extensions with a non-abelian kernel, Ann. of Math., 48 (1947), 326—341. [IV.9] Cohomology and Galois theory. I., Normality of algebras and Teichmiil-, ler’s cocycle, Trans. .4AfS, 64 (1948), 1—20.
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