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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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The adequacy of the global supply can be gauged through a simple analysis of the per capita need for water.

Определять III [см. Классифицировать]. Определять IV

If the wavelength composition of the light is known, its colour can be specified (or determined, or identified).

Identify the two chemicals in the equation for which ...

The closer you want to pinpoint the exact orbit, the more corrections you must make. Определять возраст [см. Возраст ... определяется]. Определять как

It is convenient to define the relief angle in terms of the angle between the flank and a plane perpendicular to the drill axis.

The mobility mu, is defined as the average drift velocity when E1 = 1.

Определять на глаз

Estimate by eye the ratio between ...

Определять по

The Rydberg constant is determined (or inferred) from the spectrum of hydrogen. The quantity of liquid delivered is determined from the change in weight.

The dimensions of clay particles are determined by the rate at which they settle in a still column of water.

Определять по дальномеру

The distance is judged by a range-finder.

Определять положение

Three coordinates are needed to locate each atom.

The coordinatesX, Y, Zlocate the centre of gravity of the molecule.

Two measurements fix the position of a plane with respect to the earth. Определять предел 510(996)

Определять предел

The effects of collimator thickness place (or impose, or set) a lower limit on the sensitive energy range.

Определять расположение

Neutron diffraction can be used to locate light atoms.

Определять сорт

Originally, cast iron was graded by examination of fracture characteristics.

Определяться [см. тж. Обусловливаться, Подчиняться]

The experimental methods of measuring dielectric constants depend on the frequency range under investigation.

The divergence of v is defined (or determined, or described) by the following expression: ... The plasma volume is determined by this equilibrium.

The number of oxygen atoms coordinating with a modifying cation is dictated by the size of that cation.

The choice of the lathe is governed (or controlled) by the type and size of work to be performed. In the special theory of relativity an event is specified by the three space coordinates and the lime. The initial state ahead of the piston is specified by H.

Определяться в процентах

The conductivity of commercial copper is rated on a percentage basis.

Определяться как

Burning velocity is defined as the normal velocity of...

The angular momentum is defined as I^, .

In statistical mechanics entropy is interpreted as a measure of ...

Определяющий фактор [см. тж.. Решающий фактор]

In high-speed machines, the internal forces may be the controlling (or deciding, or decisive, or determining) factor in design of members.

Noise in the measuring circuit is the governing (or crucial) factor.

Опреснение морской воды

This energy could be used for desalting (or desalination of) seawater.


To pressurize (or pressure test).


These areas have been sampled by drilling.


The experiment seemed to effectively rule out the alternative hypothesis. Experimental results argued against (or were at variance with) this conclusion. This finding demolished (or toppled) the boundwater hypothesis in its original form. This invalidates the assumption of con-slant fluid density.

The discovery of radioactivity in 1896 dispelled the belief that all atoms are permanent and immutable.

This refutes the assumption that rivers flowing through the more arid regions carry the most salt.

Опровергать существование

Another experiment that may measure or rule out a host of gravitational effects ... Опровергающий [см. Подтверждающий и опровергающий].


Опровергающий [см. Подтверждающий и опровергающий].


Classical prediction of ... is (completely) disproved.

Оптимальное сочетание [см. Находить оптимальное сочетание между, Обеспечивать оптимальное сочетание].

Оптимальный вариант [см. Лучше всего было бы].


No such data can be found in the available (or published) literature. No quantitative data of this kind have previously been reported. Books in print ...

Опускать I [см. Погружать в].

Опускать II [см. тж. Отбрасывать] We drop all subscripts.

For richer concentrates, roasting is omitted at many plants.

Let us now pass over the distribution of molecular speeds in two dimensions and proceed directly to ...

Terms like this can be thrown (or dropped) out.

It is conventional to leave out all the high powers of 2.

Chemists have the tendency to shorten long names by leaving out syllables.

Forair5 is unity and may be omitted from the formula.

The second term in Eq. (10.35) can be dropped (or discarded).

Опускать в скважину

The spectrometer was lowered down a borehole.

Опускать перпендикуляр

From С drop a perpendicular to AB.
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